Don't you know me?

Start from the beginning

"Well, that didn't work." Sonic paced on his favorite hill, trying to think. "AUGH! This is annoying!" he stated, kicking the ground. "There has to be a way to get her to remember me.."

"Remember you?"

Sonic turned around, shocked to see Cubot holding a piece of robotic engineering in his hands. "Why in tarnation would she need to remember you?" he asked, seeming stumped on it.

"...Where are you going with that." The wheels in the hedgehog go round and round.

"What? This? Why, this here be for Eggman's ol'creation of a lifetime! He plans on killing you with it.

Round and round, the wheels in Sonic's head go round and round. "Rrrrreeeeally?"

"Yeah. By the way, where you gonna be at by about noonish?" Cubot asked.

Sonic smiled wickedly. "The west side of the forest." All through midday!

"Alright, I'll-a let The Doc know then." He started to hovered away, singing Home on the Range.


Amy was picking flowers in a local valley when a gust of wind sped by her. She blinked a bit, and then looked around, "Huh?"

"Well, hello gorgeous."

She quickly looked up and noticed Sonic leaning with one arm on a tree, his other smugly resting on his hip while his leg cross the other one. Looking quite... dashing.

"Uhh... hello, again... sir." She raised an eyebrow, and slightly smiled in awkwardness.

He walked up to her, being very suave like as he casually laid back next to her. "Stopping to smell the flowers are we?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Her eyes shifted to that of suspicion but interest with intrigue.

Her come back was pretty good, more than he expected so he weakly and nervously laughed back, then looked away angrily. 'So... those new memories also replaced your lack of being attractive. Great...' he frowned.

Looking back at her with a smile, he continued his ruse... "Say,... Isn't your last name Rose?" he continued the conversation, still trying to seem irresistibly charming.

"Hmm, yes. Funny how you should mention names, when I have yet to learn yours." Her eyes turned seductive, as she smiled wittily at him. There was no way, no how, this stranger was about to get the better of her.

Sonic's eyes widened, she was better than he every expected, clearing his throat, he obliged. "Sonic. Sonic the Hedghog." He stated.

"Sonic? Like Sonic boom?" The name rolled off her tongue, and for some odd reason, she wanted to say it over, and over, again... but she forced herself to remain calm and find out what this man wanted. Though... he was giving her some hints...

"Yeah! Pretty cool right?" he rubbed the end of his nose. "Cause I'm fast and all."

"Pretty uncreative if you ask me." She picked up another flower and smelled it with grace and indifference to her last comment.


"...." Sonic remained silent for a moment, she had just insulted his name beautifully and it was ticking him off. "EHEM." He cleared his throat loudly. "Not much of a chatter box, are you?" He grew a bit sad saying that. The Amy he knew used to want to tell him every little thing that happened in her daily life. She always tried to make it exciting, but to him, it was like her own lullaby that put him right to sleep. However, if he failed to wake up fast enough, he would awaken to a large hammer upon his bruising head as she angrily would scold him to pay more attention to her. After that, she would wait for him to start talking, and he would be forced to talk about his 'latest' adventure, when she would roll her eyes, wanting to hear more about his 'feelings' but she seemed happy enough to hear him get excited about slicing through the air and busting up another one of Dr. Eggman's machines.

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