A long walk

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 i saw haylee talking to soul.i really missed them over those seven years they were gone. im glad there back to. I wonder if they still remeber that thing about Alexis..... they probley forgot about it. its been almost over seven years. i would have forgot to. i was walking back to my little castle AKA my room when i saw eurika and free.

"w-what do you want!" i muttered.

" we want to know if you have seen haylee and her sisters. Madusa would like to know." croking inbetween sisters and madusa. 

"yeah what do you want wiht them!" i yelled.

" we want there power! we want thenm to bring back Madusa! she camands it!" free yelled.

powers? that one word. in this situation what dose it mean? power.... thats the only word that is going through my head..........................power...........................


CRONAS POV (still) 

what dose Erika mean by powers? i must know. whan i first saw Haylee had her sisters today i was happy. i only feel that way sometimes. so Haylee and Elizabeth and Alexis make me feel happy. 

"w-what d-do you mean by p-powers?" i said looking at the ground.

"they carry something within them..... i don't know what it is yet but madusa dose. we need those girls." Eruika anounced 

"No NO you dont!" i yelled running to my room. i felt like i was going crazy. i went to my corner. stuffed my face in my pellow. ragnerok can out and started messing up my hair.

"why are you down?" he asked. i wanst in the mood.

" not the time i said."i said. my eye's started slowly closing. Sleep finally took over. i fell asleep.

Haylee's POV 

i was walking in th woods with Soul. we were talking. it didn't seem right to me. i felt like we were being watched. i didn't like it eveyr now and then i would ook behind me to see if anyone was following us. Ever time i would i could see soul looking at me in the corner of my eye. 

" is everything okay?" soul asked. i looked at him and blushed in embaressment.

" yeah.... i.......... never mind........." i had looking at the sky. i couldn't but keep looking back. i was annyoing myself now...... i sighed and looked at what was infront of me..... it was nothing.... just tree's. i sorta was wondering where soul was bringing me.

" hey soul where are we going?" i asked. i looked at him. he looked at me and sighed.

"well its a suprise. Black star set the whole thing up.... so i woudn't be suprised if it was a thing onn how  'amazing' he his." soul said puting qutation marks around the word amazing. i looked at him suprised.

"well i never would have thought that black star would host a little get together. Tusbuki probley helped plan it." i said with a little smile looking at soul.

"yeah you got that one right. Black star can't just make something up by himself. it would stress is brain to much." soul said looking in the sky. i just stared at him. then i heared  movements coming from the wood's but decided to ignore them. it felt awkward a bit...... silence. then soul asked me something.

"so what do you do for your free time?" soul asked looking at me. i stared at him.

"well i like praticing new songs on the piano i guess. other then that im drawing and on my phone and computer... you?" i said with a cheerful smile.

the newbies (soul eater fanfic) {DISCONTINUED} Where stories live. Discover now