Greedy People, Tracks of the Spirit

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Tracks of the Spirit

Ch. 13

By: Cutegirlmayra (Shout out to animelover1145 and GreenFantasy64 plus guest for there comments! Yes, I simply LOVE making up Moblin names. Hehe, gorcle and toigsts XD BEST. NAMES. EVER. Watch out future children, lol. But, I know it's long, and I just realized... it might get longer D: yeah... I completely forgot about a plot twist I made up.. so sorry about that. But I'm still going to finish this! All... of... this... -dies in chair.- WAIT! What about the games! I'm running out of title names! -falls back to death's arms holding me bridal style.-)

Ganon walked, with almost exhaustion if it weren't for the fact that he had two lands and a princess's life force flowing through him to keep him sustained, toward a master bedroom. The so called, 'Queen of darkness' wiggled her way by moblin's sleeping bodies to follow the king. As she trotted sneakily into the bed chamber, Ganon's frame bent over with pain. She oinked in fright and possible worry, but ran and hid before he could see or hear her.

"Curse this mortal frame, and curse the limited power of life!" he slowly rose again, clutching his chest as it glowed with lights in a tight ball. "Your more stubborn than I assumed, Princess... even now you try to retain life within Hyrule and yourself. But you will fail... and you will die."He walked over to the bed and rested upon it.

"No...Ganon.... It is you... who will... die.."

Ganon chuckled at her weak attempt to communicate with him. "Pathetic creatures. You and your people. They have already fallen to my will and power! And you will not fail to do the same..."

The little pig inched closer, and hid under the bed. She poked her little pudgy face out, listening but not really understand the conversation he was having with himself.

"Hello?" Dark Link entered the hutt, swishing and swashing things that dangled above him out of his way. "Ever heard of spring cleaning?"

"You, boy. Help me..."

Dark Link froze, and looked around. "Well, I might be persuaded to help you... if I knew where you were..." he looked everywhere, but no body was around....

"Upon the table... my spirit is trapped in this bird cage. Release me, and I will give you anything you desire!"

"Or I could just kill you now, seeing as your probably the Guardian of Greed." He pulled out his sword, walking up to the table in the back of the room, with a tarp over something oval-ish and round. "I actually prefer you trapped. To be honest." He chuckled and pulled the tarp off, to his amazement, he dropped the sword.

Within the bird cage, was a beautiful woman with light grey skin. She wore draps of black that seemed torn on some area's like her arms and the ends of her dress. She wore gems around her neck, that layered and sparkled as if fish we're moving through them, or perhaps in them.

"Let me out..?" She said sweetly.

"I-I-I-I-I-I, hehe, no." He was about to place the tarp back on, trying not to feel anything for the woman in the cage. "You see... I need to kinda kill you so..."

The woman moved up and along the bird cage's walls, "I'll give you anything, anything you desire." Her face grew with an evil pleasure, and Dark Link couldn't help but look back at her. "Anything." she looked at him cheekily. "What is it you desire?"


She smiled.


She frowned cutely.

"Come now! Open the cage and I'll hear your heart's true desire." She looked like she was getting bored and fed up with his games. "And I'll even grant it."

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