Monkey dance!, Sword that Points Skyward

Start from the beginning

"How would you know how it feels?! You don't feel at all!" she began to cry, she couldn't hold back her feelings anymore. She felt so bad for Navi, for Link who was being fooled by his pure love for her, and most importantly, herself for not seeing this coming.

"Don't know how it feels? Don't know how it FEELS!?" his eyes grew red again and he jumped on top of her, grabbing her arms and thrusting them down so she couldn't fight him. "Being the shadow of a man who you could never win against!? Knowing that your life is only to make others suffer while one man excels?! You think I don't know pain and suffering!? My life IS PAIN AND SUFFERING. Knowing you can't live your life like a normal human being, but being subjected to a Demon King and being compared to saintly hero. No, Zelda, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO LIVE IN THE SHADOW OF THE HERO OF TIME! TO BE NOTHING MORE THAN SHADE UNDER HIS FEET! You think your life is cruel, don't make me laugh!" Dark Link threw her hands away from him after his out burst. In his rage he moved quickly off her, still blowing steam it seemed he hit the wall with a loud, "HYEAH!". it warped like a rain drop hitting a pound, with rings that grew and grew. That's when Zelda, in her fearful and sorrowful crying, knew she was being held in the dark world. The domain of shadows...

Link hopped on Epona, his strength renewed he felt like running himself. He knew that all he had to do now was find Zelda, after what Navi had said, she must of been taken to the Dark Castle. "Looks like were back to the beginning." Navi teased, flying up beside him. He nodded, he had lost one friend, and gained her back, but now he lost another again. He wasn't about to let that happen again.

"Can you remember the way, Navi? To the castle?" he asked. "I'd rather not have to climb that vine cliff wall again..."

Epona moved restlessly, apparently she wanted to run right now and wasn't about to wait. "I think I remember how Dark you got in... he used some underground tunnel thing.. Follow me!" Navi dashed off toward a direction. With a quick spinning of Epona, Link, "Hyah!" and kicked her sides to get her running in the same direction. However, unbeknownst to our heroes, a group of monkey's with creepy faces slowly watched them with never blinking stares.

As Link was enjoying his ride, all of a sudden a vine stuck out of the ground, Navi called out, "Watch out!" to late and he and Epona was tripped and came smashing to the ground. Thankfully, he had leaped off Epona before the crash, and had been tumbling on the ground to a halt, at least he didn't break a leg under Epona's weight. He looked up and swiftly moved to his feet, Epona's head jerked up, her ears searching the area as she grumpily got up with a grunt.

"Whoa, girl." Link comforted her. "Navi, is she hurt?" Navi circled Epona, when Epona got up, she cradled her right side, keeping her leg up and off the ground.

"Seems like she might of hurt her right leg. Best not to ride her." Navi flew back to Link's side. Link took off his hat and wiped his head, this was gonna be a long, damp, and humid day. Not to mention the heat was unbearable, he had slept in frigid cold only to wake up to this kind of reward for hanging in there.

A monkey looked down form his vine, his brothers and sisters poked there heads out too. "StRaNgE ThEsE TrAvElErS aRe." he spoke in weird ups and downs, making his voice sound musically creepy. Link looked up, a hord has shown itself before them in the jungle tree's canopies. Hiding behind the trunks or large leafs of the trees, they looked with half faces to Link and his companions. "MiGhT YoU bE LoOkInG FoR SoMeThInG?"

"Yes, a dear friend." Link responded.

"Link! What are you doing!? Don't talk to them, there scare me.." Navi said, flying up close to his face to speak privately with him.

"Navi, you forget I've seen worse then this on my first try searching for you." Link whispered, reminding her of his old adventures.

"I know but.. But.." she shook in fear.

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