Chapter 7

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A/N: Okay, before you start reading, you should know that I'm not 100% sure whether I'm happy with this yet, so I might change it. However, I'm pretty sure that won't happen. It's just so you know that if I say I've changed it, you're willing to reread the chapter. Chances are that won't happen, but I thought it only fair to give you a warning.

Have Fun!

Just had another look at this and I think it'll stay like this.


Chapter 7:

“Come, I should be bringing you home soon,” I said.

“Why don't I bring you home?” Alex asked.

“Because I have a horse.”

“Yes, but you've brought me home before, it's my turn now,” he stated.

I shook my head, turning my gaze to the floor. It was covered in soft pine needles and dried up leaves. I loved the forest floor. If you know how to tread, you can be completely noiseless. “You need a better argument than that.”

“Food?” It came out as a question

“What about...” I trailed off as I remembered Alex had said he was hungry, went down to get some food, but had never gotten any because his dad had stopped him.”

“Are you sure I can't do anything about it?” I asked tentatively.

“'Bout what?” Aaron and Alex asked together.

I looked at them, then remembered that we had been talking about a completely different subject. I wonder why people do that. Start thinking about things that have nothing to do with what's going on, then say something about what they were thinking and look stupid because nobody had been talking about what they were thinking about... if that makes any sense.


I wonder if you could send your thoughts to the people you were talking to. Then that kind of embarrassment wouldn't happen any more. On the other hand...


… maybe then you wouldn't have any more private thoughts. That would be pretty horrible.


Think about it! No more secrets. Although maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing. It would definitely make the world a more honest and safe place. No more hoping people like you...


But people would probably find ways to keep certain thoughts to themselves.



“I've been saying your name for ages. You said something that didn't make any sense to anyone, then you got a distant expression on your face, and I tried to get your attention by saying, yelling, your name and, well... you didn't seem to hear me,” Alex said. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I was just...” I searched for the right word but couldn't find it.

“Daydreaming?” Alex offered.

I shook my head. “Thinking.”

“Well... what did you mean anyway?”

I looked at him. What was he talking about?

“You know... you said something along the lines of 'Are you sure I can't do anything about it?' and I had asked ''Bout what?' and you, well, you kind of... left.”

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