Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

We tied Black-Beauty to a tree. I had only seen the outside of Alex's house so far. It was the usual. He unlocked the front door and let us in. There were boxes almost everywhere, and the few stuff that had been unpacked were science books.

“Who reads those books?” I asked. Surely nobody reads that stuff unless they have to.

“Aaron. He's a science freak. Didn't he mention it yesterday?”

I shook my head in response. I looked at one of the books and attempted to read the title. I think it was the Latin name for something, because it made absolutely no sense to me.


“Is that why he wasn't quite happy with what I am.”

“Probably, but only he knows that.”

I nodded, looking around.

“Come, I'll show you my room.” He led me up some stairs. He seemed to be leading me to an attic. Why would his room be the attic; it's not like these houses have few rooms.

“I know it's odd my room should be the attic, and that I have to share it with Aaron, but...” he never finished his sentence.

“But...?” I encouraged.

“Nothing,” he said while shaking his head. I saw him wince slightly at the movement.

I reached for his neck. He flinched away from my touch, but after a few seconds he let me touch his neck. I felt his tense muscles and waited for him to relax, but he didn't. “Relax.”

“I am.”

I felt more and noticed that he wasn't tense, but that his muscles were tight.

“Bring me to your room. There I can tend to your body.” I know... sounds odd, but I am learned in a couple of things, one of which is healing.

He nodded gingerly and brought me up into the attic. It was bare except for two beds and lots more of those science books.

“Okay, you do what I say. Lie down and it would make it easier if you could take off your shirt.”

He did as he was told and I moved towards his bed, rubbing my hands together so that they would be warmer. I took one glance at his back and thought 'shit!' It was covered in bruises and cuts, some of which looked new. I could see swollen part where the muscles had knotted. “Where the hell did you get these?”

All he did, was sigh.

“I'm scared to touch these. Not without all my stuff, oils and such.”

“Just do my neck then, I don't think I have any cuts on there.”

I nodded and touched his neck, feeling it, testing it. I ran my fingers over it until I found a tense spot, which was immediately. I rubbed and pressed it, trying to get the muscles to relax.

I heard Alex make a noise suggesting he was in pain.

“Sorry, it will feel better later though, I promise.” It felt like talking to a little child whose wound you had to clean, but cleaning wounds sting, and you're telling the child that the stinging will make the other pain less.

I did his whole neck, and finally said, “Your neck's done, and I don't dare do anything else, because the rest of you is covered in cuts.”

He nodded and sat up, pulled his shirt back on and moved his head, testing his neck. He looked at me, a smile forming at the corners of his mouth. “Thanks, it's as good as new,” he said in almost a whisper.

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