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Title: Attached (on-going)

Author: inlovewithlouist

Genre: Teen Fiction

Summary/Description: Dylan Sullivan, think of her as you will, but she is just Dylan. No other way to describe her. As she takes a visit to her best friend Alexis's house just outside of Nashville, Tennessee, she runs into Alexis's cousin. One that she's never met, one that Alexis has never even bothered to mention. "That's Harry," Alexis said. Dylan isn't so sure footed about him at first, but quickly changes her mind.Take a look inside the comical, yet serious point of view from Dylan. Watch as Dylan's relationship with Harry grows into something that she never wanted to happen.

Review: Okay wow. This fanfic is just, ugh I love it. And I swear it's not just because Sarah Hyland plays Dylan an it's dedicated to me, it really is flawless. And it's reaching the climax right now so if you haven't read it I suggest you start now. It's the perfect bittersweet romantic tragedy, and it'll engage you from the moment you start reading. I really really love this one.

Start Rating: 6 (like I'm serious, it's perfect, go read it)

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