Semi-Truth Revealed

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~Shizuo's POV

I looked down at my phone in confusion, unsure of what exactly I was looking at. The text had been sent 20 minutes ago but I had yet to take my eyes off the two pictures the unknown contact had sent me. Though the picture confused me, more like why the sender sent me the picture confused me, I still had half a mind to go over and fuck Izaya senseless. Wait! What! No, I don't wanna fuck Izaya. He betrayed me, toyed with my heart. Turned himself into a baby just to break me. Izaya was a sick bastard that couldn't be trusted. He deserved what he was getting.

But another part of me disagreed. Sure he deserved what he was getting but was it consensual? No one should be raped, that's just not right. From the looks of the picture it didn't look exactly consensual but what could I do?

Anger boiled in the pit of my stomach for some unknown reason. Was it because someone was getting raped? Because someone was raping Izaya? I wasn't entirely sure, Izaya had done so much to me in the past few years but here I was getting angry 'cause someone is raping Izaya.

Groaning I stood up from the couch I had previously been sitting on and walked towards the kitchen, pulling out a thing of milk and downing it in one go. The white liquid slid down my throat, cooling the inner walls of my throat. (That sounds so wrong XD)

Someone knocked at the door making me get even angrier. Most normal people leave me alone whether out of fear or something else, so why did there seem to be a new person at my door everyday? The idea of throwing them out the window lingered in my head but I did my best to ignore that thought, best not to kill a normal citizen.

Tossing the now empty bottle of milk in the trash I locked my phone and opened the door only to find Shinra and Celty standing there. The urge to throw them out the window grew, Shinra and Celty were in on the lie that Izaya was a baby. They helped hide the fact I was taking care of my arch nemesis.

"What do you want?" I growled out, not bothering to even attempt at having a gentle and kind voice. Then again when did I? Shinra squeaked and jumped a little, seeming to be hesitant at saying why he was really here. Something was off, Celty seemed hesitant too.

"We need to talk." Shinra finally got the guts to say something. I looked at the two of them confused but let them inside anyway. Never in all my years have I seen Shinra be so serious. I closed the door and walked over to the living room, sitting on the couch next to Shinra as Celty sat on the other side of the underground doctor. Shinra took a shaky breath.

"Shizuo-san I apologize for lying to you about Izaya being a baby. I truly am deeply sorry." The brunette looked up at me, tears brimming his eyes. I cocked an eyebrow at him.

That's when it clicked. Shinra and Celty know more about Izaya than I could ever NOT wish to know about him. So maybe they knew why a stranger was sending me pictures of Izaya. I pulled out my phone and went to the unknown messenger.

"Do you know who this person is or why he's sending me pictures of Izaya?" I turned my phone and showed Shinra and Celty the pictures and number of whoever it was that sent me the pictures. Shinra and Celty leaned closer to get a better look at the pictures and after a moment or two Shinra's eyes widened. I watched in curiosity as Shinra looked up at me, an unfamiliar sense of hate in his eyes.

"When did you get these?" Shinra demanded louder than usual for him. His voice was stern, as if he were getting on a child who had done something horribly wrong.

"About half an hour ago." I answered truthfully. Shinra burst up out of his spot.

"We have to get to Izaya's house as fast as possible. He's in danger and most likely hurt." Celty stood up and followed her husband towards the door.

"What do you mean he's in danger and possibly hurt? This is Izaya we're talking about right? Like he would ever allow anyone to actually rape him." Despite the confidence and smart ass tone Shizuo had he felt worry and feat creep up his spine. Worry and feat for the exact person he hated.
Shinra stopped walking and turned around to look at Shizuo sadly.

"Shizuo-san there's something you should know about. Izaya will defiantly kill me when he learns I told you this but you need to know." My curiosity grew and I looked at him confused. Shinra walked over to the couch and sat down once again.

"Izaya doesn't do what he does to you for the fun of it-" I cut him off before he could continue.

"Then what exactly does he pester the fuck outta me for?!?" I shouted. Shinra gave me an exasperated look.

"If you be patient I'll explain. Izaya works two jobs. He is an informat and get paid by his boss Shiki to anger you. If Shiki isn't satisfied with what Izaya does to you then he gets punished in some form or another, mainly rape or beatings. If Izaya doesn't bug you at least once a day he gets punished by Shiki." Shinra explained as I say there shell shocked. "Izaya never wanted to pester you, to be honest I think Izaya wanted to be friends with you, not that hed ever admit it. But he does what he does because of Shiki. They made some sort of deal, though I barely know anything about it." Shinra continued.

Rage, bloodlust, anger and a mixture of other emotions swirled around in my stomach as I stood straight up and stomped over to the door. Shinra and Celty followed me as I swung the door open and slammed it shut as we walked out into the hallway. When the door shut it broke off the hinges and fell to the floor but I didn't care, I just wanted to beat both Izaya and this guy Shiki.

First of all, if Izaya didn't want to do what he did then he could just quit and stop. It wasn't that hard. Unless he was scared of being beaten or raped. But Izaya was scared of nothing, he was Izaya. I looked down at the pictures again, studying Izaya's face in disbelief. Terror was in his eyes, fear. He was actually scared.

My blood boiled even more at that realization. Shiki was a fucking dead man.
Pictures Sent to Shizuo-

Pictures Sent to Shizuo-

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And that seems like a good place to stop

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And that seems like a good place to stop. I'm in bed sick and have nothing to do and have been somehow filled with mysterious inspiration so for once I cannot wait to start the next chapter. Might work on Shizaya as well. I'm doing this all on my phone by the way. ANYWAY thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter BAII BAII 😎 (on phone so no kawaiiface sry)

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