[the loss of words: ripping out my hair]

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item #3: the l o s s o f w o r d s

level of no-ness: ripping out my hair


do you guys ever have that moment when you're in an argument, and things are getting really heated? and then the person says something really rude, and you're like "aw HELL no", and you're all pumped to retaliate with something that'll make them run to their momma crying?

and then.

you fucking.





so you just stand there like an idiot, stammering or settling for "shut up".

but wait, that's not the worst part.

the worst part is you remember or think of a freaking awesome comeback, later. when it does you no good. and you're like "man i would've smoked their ass, if only i'd thought to say it sooner".

but it's too late. and now no one will ever know what a freaking boss ass bitch you are, because your mind betrayed you in your time of need, and basically kicked you off the cliff of loser-ness, so now everyone thinks you have nothing interesting or clever to say. and also you lost the argument/insult-contest.

and you just want to kick a tree, because it's like, completely not okay with you that your mind did this.

so you're like, next time i'm in an argument, i WILL use my amazing comeback skills.

only you forget. or the context is wrong.

it's around this point that you rip out all your hair and move to antartica.

by the way, feel free to build your igloo next to mine.

ps: look at the gif of my king louis, is he not too perfect for words?

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