[the hate: i will cut you]

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item #2: the h a t e

level of no-ness: i will cut you


haters. are. not. cool.

i'm not even joking, they drive me freaking insane and they make me want to run around and hit things. hard. with a cactus. and a lead pipe. and a  hippopotamus.

like, have you not heard the saying "if you don't got nothing nice to say, shut your fool ass mouth"?

okay, that was not a nice thing to say. i should shut my fool ass mouth.

but seriously.

for some reason, i am ever-surrounded by haters. they have a problem with everything i like, from taylor swift to one direction to freaking NARNIA. i got told off for liking narnia. like, what even? 

i mean, yes, haters gonna hate, but at some point, stand up for yoself and give those smirking bishes a piece of yo mind.

i'm not even joking, they need a piece of mind, because they have none.

and the thing is, most haters deliver their hate with such a superior tone. like, "oh, you like them? ew, what the heck? they suck! their music sucks! their fans are losers and idiots!"

what the hell? what gives you the right to say that? are you famous? no. do people even like you? well, i don't, anyway. what have you accomplished again? cue the cricket chirping sound effect.

so, please, you can say you dislike or disagree with me and my fandoms and my shippings and all that.

but keep your hate to yourself.

or i'll shove it somewhere painful.

for further elaboration, check out the gif on the side.

thanks for not being haters, i love you guys.

oh, and one more thing, if you say "hating haters makes YOU a hater", i have nothing more to say to you. we are done here. d o n e.

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