6 Words

75 4 6

Whether a bright smile,

Joyful eyes,

Glee filled giggles,

Helping anyone,

Or comforting others

Everyone has a mask.
Everyone has a past.
Everyone has that moment were they wish they could just rewind and change it if they could.
If anyone wanted to do that,
Quinn definitely would.

Her smile was real,
Her giggles were sincere
If anything, happiness she would feel.

Over the course of this brunette's life, she felt pain and sorrow just as ever on else did. Her mother's last words were, "You're the child, I raised wrong."
It scarred her for life. That night her mother abandoned her husband and 5 children, two daughters and three sons.

Her father went crazy. He drank a lot, often on hangovers or very drunk. Quinn and her siblings maintained the family farm that had been in her family for generations. As time went on, her smile grew faker and her laughter was scarce. She couldn't enjoy thing like she did before because of those 6 hurtful words. Their father passed away because of old age and she kept mourning. It was just the five of them now.

Soon after her father died her younger sister grew very ill. Her fever was high and because the doctors couldn't stop their in time she also passed away. Quinn's sister was her best friend, her little ray of sunshine. She could get her to smile to laugh genuinely. For her to disappear just in the blink of an eye was heart breaking, bone crushing.

She couldn't stop crying. Her tears watered a tree, and it grew and grew over the years.  She spent most of her time in that area. "Please be happy." Was imprinted in her mind. Her sister always said that to her. Be happy.

That's when her mask became her. She pretend to be happy, to love life, to live it out. But in reality she hated life. Why would it do something like that to her? Why didn't take her instead of her sister?



Okay. So first blurb is now complete! My poetry at the beginning sucked I know XD. LikeTotallyTubular
Super super short! Ahhhhh!

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