Finding myself

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Here is the beginning of Kennedy's journey. This shows relationships between different people. I dedicate this to azzzzzz_ because she is an amazing person and a great friend.
Check out my other book called the story of Aruba. That book is a romance. It will make you smile and cry. Enjoy the book!

2 years later

I sit in silence everyday, trapped in my room, not knowing anything around me. Every sound I'd hear would make me flinch. Every movement I see would make me scream. Every thought I had would make me panic. I had no idea what was wrong with me. When I went to school, nobody wanted to talk to me. They made me the outsider. They made me inhuman.

"Kennedy! Would you stop being so fuckin lazy and get your ass downstairs! NOW!" The sound of my mother's voice makes me cringe. I hate her voice! I ignore my mother and put my earphones on. All I hear from my mother is muffled voices and screams. This makes me laugh. Since I had no friends or social media I lit candles in my room. I lined them in circles and sat in the middle. Before I did this, I locked my room. I chanted the following,"I call to the mighty bringer of light, Lucifer...

"Spirits of the abyss, here my call
all most powerful one and all
Lucifer my thoughts do sing
through the universe they now ring
Take thine enemy, take him smite
Break him, scorn him in the night
From the mighty depths of hell
cast your darkness on his shell
Oh Lucifer, oh shinning star
Touch him, burn him from afar
Revenge now will have its day
for thine enemy starts to fray
So it be!" Over and over again. My eyes roll back inside my head and I rise from where I was seated. I basically levitated. Black man-like figures began to submerge from my mouth and screams escaped. My eyes were now a pitch black like those of a demon. My soul escapes from where it was held hostage and took off into the dark and depressing night sky. My demon is alive.

After 3 glorious hours of tormenting innocent souls, I awoke. I put out the candles and descended to the kitchen. My mother was watching American Horror Story when I had arrived. "Where's my food?" I question my mother.
"In the microwave, stupid bitch!" My mother and I have never been "ok" since I told her I hated her boyfriend, Troy. He was a fuckboy and my mother was too damn blind to see that. I take my dinner to my room where I sat everyday and dug in. My phone suddenly starts ringing. That surprises me since I don't have any friends. I lost them all when I went psycho 2 years ago. "Who the hell is this?"
"Hi. This is Tyler. I needed to ask if you were, you know, ok." Those words cut through my brain like a chainsaw that cuts through a rigid tree. "Why the fuck do you care? What do you want?"
"No need to be rude. I was asking."
"Why are you calling me? Of all people you call me?"
"Well nobody talks to you, they all say that you have... issues. They say you are a demon. Are you?"
"Go to hell!" I drop the phone. Everyone thinks they know me. But they don't have a fucking clue what goes on in my life! But that question he asked me troubled me a lot. Am I a demon?

I float down the street like a ghost, thinking about life. Everywhere I look is dark. The only light I see is the light from my phone's camera. A figure runs past me. I look around but see nothing. Next thing I know I have a gun to my head and am told not to scream. My demon side gets the best of me and black dust escapes from my mouth. The dust runs around my body and transforms me into a black, gorgeous demon with the horns of a dragon, the skin of a crocodile. The teeth of a lion. I get out of his grip and bite his arm off. His screams bring great pleasure to my life. I laugh like an evil maniac to drown his empty sorrow. His blood tastes divine as I eat him alive.  After I've demolished him, I transformed back to my human self, only to realize that I have eaten a man.

I run home, tears running down my face like a waterfall, past my lazy ass mother and dash for my room. The last thing I remembered was having a seizure and being rushed to hospital. The smell of the hospital made me hurl every bit of food that was in my stomach. It was disgusting. I then died and was rushed into ICU. So many operations and still they couldn't find out what was wrong with me. They said they couldn't do anything about my current situation. That made me laugh. I wasn't normal.

How did you find chapter 2 of I am demon? Was it amazing or was it boring? Tell me what you think in the comments and if you loved if then please vote for this book. (Spoiler alerted) Kennedy will soon realize that her friends need her and that she actually needs her mother. But that will be later in the book.

Do you like the cliffhanger? It will definitely not be the last! There will be more suspense on the book later on!

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