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Previously on "Alive"

Breathlessly, he ran towards his car and twist the key into the metal lock. It clicked and he got in and drove away.

Ring ring...


Ring ring, ring ring..

"Who would be calling me at this hour?" Tony thought. He flipped his phone and saw the caller ID.


Tony click the green symbol and then heard Abby's voice.

"Tony!! Tony! Tony!! Tony!!" she screamed through the phone. "Is it true? Is Kate actually injured? Are you guys okay? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, she been shot. I'm fine and so are the others," Tony answered, trying to sound calm. He wondered how Abby knew what was happening, then realized that McGee must have filled her in.

"Ohhhh my god, are you seriously okay? We all know that you and Kate were pretty close."

"I'm fine, Abby."

"Okay." she replied. "Where are you?"

"I'm going to the Virginia Hospital I think. That's probably where they are taking Kate."

"Oh yeah...."

There was a moment of silence before Abby told Tony that she needed to look at the evidence from another case.

"Bye Tony."

"Bye Abby."

Tony was the first to hang up and looked outside. He didn't know how, but he managed to talk and not pay any attention to the road and still make it to the hospital.
The ambulance was already parked and nobody was in there.

Tony ran towards the hospital and walked through the double doors.

"Sir? May I help you?" the woman behind the counter asked.
Tony looked at the woman - who was probably in her mid-30s - and nodded.

"Um, I'm just looking for an agent named Caitlin Todd. Also goes by the name Kate." Tony answered.

"Family member?" she asked.

"Umm..friend," Tony answered, knowing what was going to come next.

"I am sorry sir, you can't visit. I can only tell you she's in surgery," the woman apologized and gave Tony a sincere smile.


Tony wanted to help Kate. He wanted to be there when she woke up. He wanted to catch and murder that dirty bastard who did this to her.

"You know what, I need some fresh air," Tony said out loud so that the woman would hear him.

He rushed outside and took a deep breath. The only thing he could do is find the shooter.

"I'm going to help you Kate. I'm going to put this man behind bars and he'll never escape," Tony promised. He looked back sadly and then realized something. He loved her. And he would do anything to bring her back to life and end her pain, but not killing her of course.

"I love you.." Tony thought as he dragged his feet back towards his car.

:To Be Continued...:

A/N: I'm not really a fan of this chapter so I'll try to make the next one better!! Sorry and bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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