"I know but what about NEW friends and people" I asked sitting up

"You'll be fine.You're fun to hang out with everyones gonna like you" B/N cooed comforting me

"But if they don't?"

"If they don't it's their loss for a great friend"

"Yeah right" I said rolling my eyes and gave a small smile 

"Thanks though" 

"No problem"

"Now get out so I can change"


"Bye Mom,bye dad"  I yelled shuting the door and stepping onto the side-walk.I looked around the street I was and saw Kyle walking;possably the bus stop" 

"Kyle!" I yelled walking.Nothing.Lets do this shit again "Kyle!!" nothing still.Soon the Kyle I saw walking was running to the bus stop 

"KYLE" I screamed starting to run too "K-KYLE" I screamed again almost slipping on ice.As I ran I held my beanie down on my head (Stylish ;0) and ran into someone "SORRY".Runiing closer I saw the bus stop in the distant with Kyle,Stan,Kenny and Eric..All stareing at me.

"Y/N?" Stan questioned  

"H-hey" I weezed out catching my breath with my hands in my knees "K-Kyle..I yelled your name fucker,get your ears checked" I said leaning against the stop sign.Kyle just laughed

"I know some lungs you got their" 

"Why didn't you stop" I said standing straight

"Because you'd walk and we'd be late for the bus" he said looking proud of himself..smart fuck.

"Whatcha got in hear" Kenny said grabbing my backpack from my grasp

"Hey,give that back"

"Get it from me then shorty" He smirked putting my back pack in the air

"I'm only 5'2 and you're nit that much taller than me,I mean Craig's way taller" I said shrugging and jumping in the air

"Well I'm tall enough for you to not get your backpack" Kenny commented and stuck out his tounge.I sat their and stared while he shook my bag in front of me.I grabbed my beanie and covered his face.

"GIVE IT" I screeched and jumped on him bringing us both down to the snowy ground "Holy fuck Y/N" Kyle said stepping back

I down at Kenny as he removed the beanie off his face 

"I always wanted to see you like this"Kenny said wiggling his eyebrows looking a bit red ;referring to me straddling him

"I..uh." I continued to look down at him turningred myself  "..Gimme my shit back" I said grabbing my bag while Stan helped me up "This too" grabbing the beanie from his hands .

Kenny stood aswell and tightened the his strings mummbling."I bet you loved that right Kenny?" Cartman asked 

"(Muffled shit)" Kenny muffled and turned away

"Sick dude" Stan said shaking his head and exchanged glances with Kyle

"BUS IS HERE" Kenny yelled running onto the bus.


3rd POV

"You nervous?" Kyle asked Y/N as all five of them stood by the schooo doors.

"Yeah just a bit.more nervours about finding classes and shit" she said looking at the doors.

"Well you shouldn't be,I'm 100% sure you'll have some classes with us" Stan reassured

"Or team Craig" Kenny mummbled

Y/N shuffled up next to Kenny "I'm sorry." Kenny looked surprised "For what?"       "I know your mad dumb ass,you always talk about team Craig when you seem upset" Y/N said.Kenny sighed "More upset then mad" Kenny gave a sad expression that turned into a smirk "upset that Clyde didn't get to see you on me he would've cried for sure" thats when Kenny opened the school doors and walked inside

"What the fuck was that" Cartman yelled breaking the silence "..Kenny" Y/N whispered to herself.

"Don't worry about him Y/N he acts like this sometimes" Kyle said walking up to Y/N and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah maybe he had a rough morning,just give him time" Stan said giving me a pat on the back 

"Can we fucking go yet?" Cartman butted in "yeah yeah fat ass" Kyle said rolling his eyes. "Ready Y/N?"Stan asked.

Y/N nodded and held her breath as Stan opened the school doors. Their eyes widdened

"Try me McCormick" Craig barked a fist above Kenny's face pushed up against the locker with a crying Clyde.The doors slammed shut and they turned and looked at me.

"Y/N.." Kenny mouthed

"Y/N IS IT TRUE,YOU STRADDLE FUCK MCCORMICK" Clyde cried tears in his eyes.Craig's eyes widdened and dropoed Kenny.Y/N stood their with a nasty look on her face.

"Is it Y/N" Clyde asked 

"Kyle can you show me to class"Y/N asked monotone walking off

"Uh..y-yeah sure" 

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