4:: Nightmare

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Jack knocked a vase over and retreated to the kitchen. He broke the chair his daddy used and was dead. Mark stormed up to him. His pocket knife out. "You little fuck up that chair cost me 300$ your gonna pay for that!!" He growled angery as he grabed Jacks neck. Jack gaged as Mark tights his grip on his throat. "M'sorry daddy.." He cryed, as Marks grip tightens.
[Back to to to reality]
Mark woke up to Jack moving around in bed, he was talking to. "No please m'sorry daddy, m'sorry!" Mark shook him awake and Jack sprung up. "D-Daddy!" Jack hugged Mark and cryed,"M'sorry M'sorry" Mark was confused,"Why are you sorry baby?" Mark lifted Jacks head, Jack recently dyed his hair baby blue. His red eyes and runny nose made Marks heart break. He hates seeing his baby like this. "I-I had a nightmare. I broke something a-and you got mad at m-me. You hit me, hard." Marks eyes widened and he grew considered. "And then you chased me and... and" Jack trailed off and began sobbing into Marks chest. "Baby. Daddy would never hurt you like that, never. I promise." Jack nodded, Mark took Jacks stuffie from the floor and gave it to him. "Shh calm down beautiful, go back to sleep." Jack wimpers, holding onto Mark. Mark lied down, Jack cuddled next to him.

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