Chapter 3

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Hearing Jack scrambling through her can of filth, she pops her head out. "Hello Jack" I look up at her as she falls out of the dumpster that stood taller than herself.

"Time to learn to walk, may take some time but put in the effort, kayz?" She smiled at me like she had done since yesterday. "Okay, how do I learn to walk again, I mean I know how to walk, how do I get my muscles back to that?" "Easy, come on!" She grabbed me up and I held on tight, she dragged me out onto the street and over two or three alleyways. We stood in front of a weight lifting gym. "This is going to help?" I looked at her puzzled, "This is a place for those who already have some muscles, but want more!" She dragged me inside and sat me down on a bench, "No this is actually or those who want some type of muscles period. People just confuse it, because really strong guys usually hang out here. Anyway, this is going to be fun, for the both of us!" I shook my head in agony, as she looked way to excited for what we had to do for me to be able to walk again.

Jack dragged me over to a part of the gym where small weights laid on the ground, some for legs, others for arms. She picked up the smallest weights and put some on a machine; placing me in front of it, Jack told me what to do and I did as needed. 

I trembled for hours, my body slowly making progress in lifting the smallest weights. "How was this supposed to go, Jack?" She looked away from the windows which she had been watching.

"About like it is now, why?"

I didn't stop lifting the leg weights, but I looked away, "I thought I would do a lot better than I am doing.."

She giggled beside me, "Always have high expectations, but never disappoint yourself. There is still light in the day, and we are here until you are satisfied in your work ethic. Kayz! Chin up, deep breath, and go with it!"

I stared into her eyes, "You are very positive for the whole situation that you are in." She nodded while going back to watching the outside. "Oh, and I never asked, your name? It can't be Jack, no mother would name their little girl something like a Jack."

She smiled, but continued staring on, "Have I not told you? I thought I did, but I don't like my original name, its so boring." I nodded and proceeded in my leg work.

For the next four hours I worked way harder than I had early in the day. I leveled up in the amount of weight my legs could handle. I started to feel better in what I had accomplished. "I believed in you the whole time, I am glad to see you finally realizing, you are dead, all you gotta do is try and you will succeed... Now, we will stay in this place until you are fully back into proper working order. There is a room in the back, we will stay there." Jack started walking off without me. 

"I really didn't realize," Jack looked back at me, "I didn't get tired at all, I just kept going, I do only have to try to succeed!" I looked at Jack with glee, she smiled back. She waved me on, I got up and hesitated before properly walking forward. I smiled, I hadn't walked by myself in so long I forgot this independence. I followed Jack into the back room she had talked about. She closed the door after me, and laid down on a small pad that is usually intended for floor padding. I stayed quiet and sat down across the room, as Jack fell asleep I listened to her breathing and the outside sounds of stray animals and people finding shelter for night. Things went quiet fast as there was no more sun left in the sky, now only birds and bats ruled the outside world.

Things stayed quiet until Jack woke in the morning to smile a cheerful smile, and giggle quite loudly at my dozed off expression. "Good morning!" I said the same back to her and she jumped up and out of the room. I got up and followed her out, scanning the room with a fresh early morning smell. I found Jack getting a snack out of a broken vending machine. "So, what should i do today??" Jack looked at me in a glazed state. Then quickly looked over at the weights. she shoved the food she held, down her throat. Jack quickly hopped over to the weights, she handed me the smallest weights, "You will start with your arms today, you now understand how to proceed with your work, so work hard and do it properly, if you feel they are too easy at least do ten reps, kayz!" I nodded in agreement with her, not like I could say no, I said I would follow her orders before this ever started.

I did ten reps of everything until it got to forty pounds and it started weighing down on my arms. "Twenty reps if these start getting easy." I nodded not sure of her logic, normally I would probably just start on the next weight after these got easy. Though, Jack has to have logic to everything she does, I see it in her eyes, she justifies everything she does, I think she somehow understands every movement I make too. I don't understand her, but I guess I don't have to. I just have to do as she says. 

I continued until I got into one hundred pounds, then Jack stopped me. "Now that you got to one hundred pounds on the arms, go back to the legs, after forty pounds, do as I said with the arm reps. I will stop you at one hundred on those as well." I nodded and proceeded with my reps on my legs.

I stopped as the night fell upon the building. Jack had watched the outside the entire day, I believe she watches for the killer, but I don't really know.

Jack looked back at me, "You ready to stop for the day??" I shook my head, "I wanna get to one hundred, I am so close." She nodded at me, "Well wrap up soon, I am heading in. I waved to her, letting her leave the room after grabbing some food from the vending-machine. I looked back forward at the empty wall in front of me, striving for the one hundred. 

"Three, two, one!" I shouted as I reached one hundred. I stopped and got up, heading to Jack and I's back room, but a quick shadow running in front of the building, caught my eye. It was gone too quickly for me to know who it was, so I ignored it and continued to my destination. I got in and sat, relaxing as Jack was near, and safe. I closed my eyes, and relaxed to the sounds of the night.

As morning rang in the air I opened my eyes to see Jack already eating. I laughed and leaned forward. "So, whats on today's to do list??" Jack looked up, watching the ceiling, "Hmm" She hummed as she looked straight up. "How about we rest for the day with weights, lets go for a run, I wanna show you a really cool place!" I felt disappointed, but nodded nonetheless.

Jack got up and threw her trash away, and I followed close behind. "First we need to go get you some nice clothes that you wanna wear. Your death suit fits the atmosphere to well." I looked down to notice I was wearing a prison suit. The prison in which I was held flashed through my mind. I freaked out and fell back, Jack rushed over. "You okay!" She helped me back up, I nodded feeling as if I should not let her know that information.

We left and started to run, I easily kept up with Jack. she was fast, but I could somehow run faster than her. the memory of me dyeing and laughing flashed through my mind until we ended up at a store. I didn't catch the name before we entered. "This way!" Jack called me over like she knew this place like the back of her hand. We looked throughout the entire store. I found several things that i felt like they would be my style, well, Jack found most of what I liked. she forced me to go try on everything that I liked.

I came out in my favorite outfit mix. A tight suit shirt from the female section with rolled up sleeves, a small women's vest, dark grey in color, fitting over the shirt. Dark grey dress pants that matched the vest, and a thin black belt holding up the pants. I tucked the white shirt into the pants, as Jack led me over to the shoe section. we found some sleek black combat boots; when covered the shoes looked like men's dress shoes.

Jack started walking toward the hair section. She grabbed some boxes of hair color and scissors. Jack then stole some other beauty products. I was dragged into the bathroom, forced into a less likable shirt and sat down on a stool. first my hair was bleached white, or a platinum blond, that might as well been white. My long hair was cut to a shoulder length, a choppy scene look. My lips dyed red with lipstick, eyes lined with black, sharp enough to cut like a blade of an ax. 

we left the store, i didn't even bother to look back at the stores name; it was dark and an insane figure ran across the parking lot chasing someone, but it stopped halfway when it saw us. It held out a knife and quickly started towards us, Jack pulled me down a near by ally. 

He easily followed us, Jack just keeping us out of his range. She wasn't fast enough on her own. I sped up as I felt her slow into a tired run. I held her hand tight and ran as fast as I could, how did he stay caught up with me. I ran like hell, he disappeared out of sight, but I realized something. My hand was empty.

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