What did i even do?

45 4 0

Along the way you will know more about the characters

Latifa’s P.O.V


I groaned hearing the alarm. Morning isn’t my thing as you see, but I do have to wake up at 6:30 am so I can get ready for school, otherwise I’ll be sleeping in till 11 am.

As I sat up I picked up my phone and stopped the alarm. Today was my first day in year 10. It is as well my first day into a new school.

I then got out of bed and had a quick warm shower, I then wore my clothes (picture on the side ) and started to curl my hair. When I finished my last strand of hair to curl I received a message. I looked at my phone and saw one of my 3 best friends messaged me

From: Jaykiee :D

Hey T, you ready for school I’m going to pick you up in five minutes :)x

To: Jaykiee :D

Hey J, I just have to pack my bag!! :):)xx

I put my phone in my back pocket then grabbed my back pack and went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and started munching on it while I packed my books and lunch.

My phone then vibrated.

From: jaykiee :D

T I’m outside :)x

I picked up my bag and walked to the door. I left the house and locked the door.

“Hey J” I said as I entered the car

“Hey T” he replied “so family still on holiday?” he asked

"Yep” I sighed. I missed them

“So how are you feeling about moving schools?” Jayke asked

“Well I am nervous but not as much because I know you Liam and Ellis will be at my side” I smiled knowing that my best friends have always stood by my side.

“Being a little nervous is ok, and off course we would be by your side, you’re our best friend and our little sister” Jayke smiled as he parked his car in a parking lot, which I’m guessing is for the school.

We then got out of the car and walked to the school gates.

“LATIFAAAAAA” voices screamed from behind me. I turned around and saw Liam and Ellis

“LIAM ELLIS” I screamed back as I ran towards then with my hands open. They then enfolded me in a massive hug.

“You’re the new girl and you’re already a slut” a squeaky voice said behind me. I turned around and saw a very pretty girl. Although she had her face caked in makeup.

“Umm I’m not a slut they are my best friends” I said

“Best friends with benefits *COUGH*”

“We are best friends, not best friends with benefits so please stay out of my life and stop making up shh (I’m not going to use the actual word) about me.

“Watch your back” the girl said as she walked away

“What did I ever do to her, I have never even seen her in my life” I exclaimed

“Sorry we didn’t defend you but you seemed pretty confident to talk back to Brielle” Jayke apologised

“It’s all good and yeah I’m surprised but I don’t want rumours spread around the school about me” I looked down

“We are going to make sure she doesn’t come near you” Ellis mentioned

“We don’t want you hurt” Liam smiled

“Thanks boys, now let go get my timetable and see what subjects I have”


Hey guys!

I really hope you love the story

You all can follow my Instagram: @straightup__fanpage

I’ll be posting when I’m going to be updating and spoil alerts!

I’ll be posting next chapter when I have 3 votes…sorry :(:(:(

Thanks Love you all ducklings

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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