Part 2

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Steve had told you to meet him in Wakanda where he had been staying. Before going to his place, you stopped off at the market to get some food. You walked over to a booth to look at some fruit. You began to pick through the apples to find a good one.

"Y/n?" a familiar voice said from behind you.

Your heart nearly stopped. It sounded like him, but your mind kept rejecting it. You turned around to find a man wearing the face of your father, but a face that didn't look as innocent as you remembered. This one looked beaten and worn.

He smiled and his eyes grew glassy. "You look just like your mother." he said with a sad kind of smile.

"Who are you?" you demanded.

"You know who I am." he replied.

"My dad's dead." You kept rejecting the fact that your father was standing before you, even though you had no reason to.

"It's a- long story." he said and put his hand in his pocket. You noticed his left arm was missing from about his shoulder down.

You felt your lip begin to quiver. "Daddy!" you exclaimed through tears and ran to your father. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arm tightly around your waist. You began to sob uncontrollably into his shoulder.

"Steve asked me to pick you up, take you back to the palace." he explained after you let go.

"Palace?" you asked, confused.

"Another long story." he said and motioned for you to follow.

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