Part 1

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You lived a very strange life. No one could've seen it coming for you. You were born just before the Second World War. Your father, James Buchanan Barnes, died during the war when you were only five years old, leaving you and your mother alone. You had very vague memories of your father, but the ones that you had were good ones. You could remember curling up next to him on the couch to feel safe when there was a loud thunder storm. He would stroke your hair and talk to you in his soothing voice to calm you down, then eventually you would fall asleep and he would carry you back to bed.

Your mother never did handle his death very well. She died in her early thirties, making you an orphan when you were only eleven years old. The orphanage that you were sent to trained it's children to become highly skilled agents for an organization called SHIELD. You didn't mind it. It kept your thoughts from your grief. But every night, when you turned off the lamp next to your bed, you would see the tattered wedding photo of your parents that you had managed to get a hold of. In your mind, it kept your family together.

When you were twenty-one, you volunteered for an experiment to test another supersoldier serum. Little did you know that right after you were done, they would shove you in an ice box. You struggled to get free but it was no use. The temperature dropped rapidly. You closed your eyes and let the cold consume you.

You woke up not knowing where you were. SHIELD had found you in an empty warehouse. They slowly began to fill you in on the fact that you had been asleep for seventy years. SHIELD had been told that you had died after a faulty experiment. Turned out that Captain America, or "Uncle Steve" as you used to call him, was still alive also. You stayed with him for a while, then threw yourself back into mission work at SHIELD. You accepted a mission that required you to go off the grid for a few months, but when you came back, what you found changed your life forever.

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