Dean did as he was told and tilted his head back.

The muscle in his neck stretched out and rippled like a wave underneath the tanned skin and Melanie sucked in a breath as she wiped the scarlet from his neck and chin. Her hand began to shake as she gripped the rag in her fingers and dabbed his neck. His chest lifted, then sank again with his breathing, and Melanie watched as his muscle expanded with each breath.

Finally she finished, and she wrung out the rag once more, and set it down on the table and she arranged the cotton balls in one big pile, then shoveled them into the garbage can. When she looked back at Dean, he was watching her carefully, his face nearly inches from hers.

"How do you feel?" He asked. Melanie lifted her shoulders in a halfhearted shrug, and to her surprise, he grabbed both of her shoulders with his firm hands and guided her to his spot, and he took a seat in the chair where she once sat. He brushed away her hair with his fingertips to expose the bite mark that was on her neck. His fingers grazed across it and a sting surfaced from her skin and was now forefront in her mind. She sucked in air through her teeth and he looked at her. "Did that hurt you?"

Melanie slowly nodded, and he looked back down to the wound.

"I knew that it would still be bothering you." He pulled something from his pocket and opened his palm to reveal a small vial filled with a clear liquid. He grabbed a clean cotton ball and bit off the top of the vial and spit out the cap then he dropped some of the liquid onto the cotton ball and went for her neck, but she lifted her arm and stopped him, fear rising in her chest.

"What is that?" She asked, her eyes wide. Dean smiled a little, but retreated his arms.

"It's like an antidote for a demon's bite. Vampire and demon's bites are the worst, and it'll only get more infected and slowly kill you."

Melanie watched him for a second, her eyes never wavering.

"And you're just now deciding to give it to me?" She pondered aloud, her eyebrows shooting together in worry.

"I was planning to give it to you now, and so here I am." He said with a chuckle. When he noticed that she didn't move, that her guard wasn't let down, he added, "Trust me." If he wanted her to die, he would have let the demon drain all of the blood from her body.

Slowly, Melanie nodded.

Dean moved forward, his face so close to hers she could smell his minty breath that was hot against her face. Carefully, he used his finger to tip back her chin and angle her face, and he pressed the cotton ball against the bite marks and Melanie felt the wound begin to sting as if he were pouring acid directly on it. She gripped his sleeve and her fingernails dug into his flesh, but he didn't say or do anything. She hissed between her teeth and clenched her jaw shut, tightening her eyes together. Suddenly, she felt the pressure of the cotton ball being removed and the sting ceased in her neck, and she felt something different being placed against the wound.

Something warm and soft gently pressed against her neck, and it took her a moment to realize Dean was kissing her flesh, right where the wound had been. Before she could do anything, he pulled away and looked at her with his bright blue eyes. His hand was tangled in her hair and his body was as close to her as it could get.

She wanted to say something, anything, but her words were cut off as he pressed his lips against hers. His lips were soft and inviting, and they moved swiftly across her mouth, forcefully parting her lips as she sat motionless. The feeling wasn't revolting, but it didn't light anything inside her like a kiss should.

Melanie gently placed her palm on his chest and pushed. and he pulled away, his eyebrows drawn together. It wasn't hard to see the look of pain that danced across his expression.

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