Control and Practice

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"Well start"layla said
"U okay bloom?"sky asked
"Yeah I'm nervous about the control thing what if i can't do it?"bloom said
"Bloom,listen u are so powerful but i know that u can can control it i know u got this"he replied
"Thanks that helped" she said
He smiled
"WINX BLOOMIX"bloom said
"Well here goes nothing"
"U got this sis!"brandon said (bloom and brandon are like siblings)
"Go for it!"the winx said together
"Yep lets do this"she mumbled
Bloom flew though the obstacles

But then the was a gem glowing red
"Bloom u have to use control and focus to get past it!"the headmistress
"Shes got this"musa said
"I hope"riven mumbled so his friends couldn't hear him
"Flaming strength"she said
It hit the gem bloom tried to control it and focus but it was failing
"Come on come on"she whispered to herself in the air
Her wings beating so fast she was not in control nor focused she was losing energy fast
The gem was getting overwhelmed
And it shot back bloom
Bloom untransformed and fell to the ground
"Ow"she said getting up
Sky ran/walked fast toward her
"U okay"he said helping her up
"Yeah i tried it was not working"
"Ur in control but not focused"timmy said
"That's logical"tenca replied
"The gem is really strong"bloom said
Bloom felt really weak and with that everything went black

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