3. Your sister is trying to get to him.

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You invited William to your house. He never seen it before so he wants to give it a try. Your parents wasn't home but they said they will meet him some time in a lifetime. When you two walked in the house, hand to hand, your sister bolted up and pushed you out of the way and hugged William. Hard. He laughed a little. "Oh my god William, I can't believe you are in my house! Can you sing me a song. Maybe a sexual song." She said as she felt on his uncovered biceps and bite her lip seductively. "Ahem.." I said. "Hands of my man." I said and moved her out the way of William. We both walked upstairs and chilled in my bedroom.

A few hours passed...

You were sitting on his lap. Lips connected and tongues going into each other's mouth. You guys were just watching a movie then Will started touching all over you and you couldn't resist. "Mmm we need to finish the movie." You said between kisses. "So, you rather pay attention to a plastic thing that shows pictures other than your boyfriend?" He said with a smirk. "That's not what I meant." He chuckled and lips were connected again. Tongues again. "Ahem, helloooo." You both turned around and saw your older sister in the doorway. "I have a movie that I picked out. Come downstairs." "Um, we were in the middle of something." You said with a little attitude. "So.."


You three were downstairs watching a scary movie. Your sister on the other side of the couch while, you and Will cuddled together at the other end of the couch. "Want popcorn babe?" You asked. "Of course." He smiled at you and you both shared a quick kiss before you left. You put the popcorn in the microwave and waited. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. You got the popcorn out the microwave and poured it into a bowl.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" You heard William exclaimed. You ran into the living to see your sister shirtless and was on top of your boyfriend.

"What the hell?" You said. "Babe, it's not what it looks like. She fuckin' got on top of me and saying how hot I am and shit." He said as he sat up. "I know baby, it's not your fault. Let's go home. We have better things to do than hanging around with a slut." You said as you grabbed his hand and left.

When you two got home, he started explaining what happened then let's just say that you two woke up naked.

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