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* Lullaby

You have a bad habit of studying until the wee hours of the morning. You can often be found with a book sprawled across your lap, reading glasses perched on the edge of your nose, threatening to fall off, and multiple mugs which once contained hot cocoa littering whatever flat surface you had decided to attack with your work.

Tonight a similar scene plays out in the living room: your head leans against the arm rest of the couch, your glasses are somewhere on the floor, and you hug a thick textbook to your chest. You don’t hear the door open, but you do stir when you hear familiar footsteps make their way into the living room. Still half asleep, you don’t bother to open your eyes. Avi has come home.

You hear his footsteps slow to a halt in front of you. Pretending to still be asleep, you slow your breathing. Avi sighs silently. You both know what’s coming next.

Avi takes the book from your hands and places it on the coffee table. He then picks you up bridal style, grunting slightly. You’re smiling internally; you love it when he does this. He makes his way into your bedroom, where he lays you under your covers. You shiver at the loss of heat from being held so close to his body, but snuggle into the blankets all the same. He turns to walk away, but you grab his sleeve before he goes.

"I knew you weren’t asleep," he whispers with a smirk. You manage a small smile.

"Don’t leave." All you want right now is to feel the warmth of his body against yours. Avi nods and lays on the other side of the bed, not bothering to get under the covers. He wraps his arms around your waist and just holds you. You listen to the steady thrum of his heart pounding in his chest. You bury your face into the crook of his shoulder, breathing in his smell. He strokes your hair and begins to hum a wordless lullaby. You feel your eyes getting heavy. His chest rumbles gently with each note, making you finally drop off into a deep sleep.

Avi quietly pulls himself away from your sleeping form. He kisses the top of your head and walks to his own room, singing the lullaby to himself.

Avi Kaplan Prefences (For Aliza)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin