
809 84 47

written by cas

sorry to disappoint, but i am- in fact- alive. and this chapter is gonna kind of be more dean perspective for once???? i'm sorry i succ


a month had passed since the whole incident and, surprisingly, dean stayed. every step of the way, he never left castiel- the boy with the bright blue eyes from the ferris wheel. he was there during the healing process in the hospital, he attended every court date and testified against raphael, and he helped cas as much as he could. everything was perfect.

maybe a little too perfect.

dean sat across from the messy haired angel, trying not to stare as he slowly munched on fries and listened to the boy ramble on about the time he got lost at the mall when he was seven.

"it was crazy, dean. i was seven, and somehow managed to get on top of a very high display shelf, proceeding to hide there for a good nine hours before an officer found me. i don't even remember how i got up there!" he exclaimed, laughing brightly.

all dean could do was stare. the crows feet by cas's eyes grew deeper when he smiled, the smile reach farther than his eyes, and his entire being radiated with happiness.

he couldn't help himself.

he reached across the table, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately- which took castiel by surprise.

"what was that for?" he asked breathlessly once they pulled apart, blue boring into green.

dean smiled. "for being you. cas, never change."

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