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*Kat's P.O.V.*

I had a hangover. One of the worst I’d ever had. And for some reason, the last thing I could remember from the night before, was heading into the kitchen to pour myself another drink, and running into Tyler. But after that, I couldn’t tell you what happened. In all of the parties I’d been to -and believe me, there’s a lot - I’d never blacked out before. I asked Phee, as she and I sat at the dining room table, if she had any idea, but she informed me that she and Hunter had gone to bed shortly after Jason and Tyler arrived.

“Here” Hunter said, slamming a glass down in front of me, and I rubbed my head, as it made aloud thud! sound.

I looked into the cup. It was a disgusting brown color, and I scrunched my nose, and looked back up at him. “This is not what you usually give me” I said, flatly, and he rolled his eyes.

“Just drink it” he replied. “It looks horrible, but tastes great, and gets rid of a hangover in fifteen minutes flat. It’s better than what I was giving you before.”

I stared at him suspiciously as I brought the glass to my lips, paused a moment, then took a sip. I could feel my eyes widen and I realized how delicious the mixture actually was.

“Whoa, what the hell” I said, looking into the glass, then looking back at Hunter. It tasted like a mixture of honey, cinnamon, and brown sugar. It was amazing.

He smiled widely, setting a glass of identical drink in front of Phee.

“I told you” I replied. “Now, chocolate chip waffles for breakfast?”

Phee and I both nodded vigorously, and Hunter got to work on the waffle batter.

After breakfast, Phee and I decided to head back to our houses, now that our hangovers were cured, and our stomachs were full. I said goodbye to Hunter, then waited as Phee gave him a kiss on the cheek. I raised my eyebrow at her, confused, because even after all of the times that those two have gotten drunk and slept together, Phee’s never been affectionate with him. She wasn’t into being affectionate with anyone; it’s part of the reason why she never dated. When she saw me looking at her, she looked away from me immediately, and blushed.

“What was that all about?” I asked, once we were in my car.

“What?” she asked innocently, and I narrowed my eyes at her.

“You kissed Hunter on the cheek” I said, flatly. “You never kiss him on the cheek.”

“It’s nothing” she insisted, and looked out of the window.

I glanced at her again, taking note of how red her face was.

“Phee!” I exclaimed, looking at her with sudden realization. “You like him, don’t you?!”

She rolled her eyes, and shook her head.

“I don’t like him” she replied, flatly. “He was just really sweet to me last night when I started barfing my brains out from all the drinking. I wanted to thank him.”

I squinted at her, and shook my head.

“Whatever you say, buddy” I replied, and she punched me in the arm playfully.

I dropped Phee off at her house, and made it back to mine by mid afternoon. As soon as I walked through the front door, my dad looked me up and down, shaking his head.

“You look like shit” he said, and Mom smacked his chest with the back of her hand.

I laughed. “Thanks, Dad” I said.

“I’m assuming you had a good night, then?”

I nodded.

“Well, you might want to get cleaned up a bit” he said, and I raised my eyebrows. “Ginny and Robert are coming over dinner.”

I groaned dramatically, knowing it would do no good to complain. I wasn’t even surprised, really. Ginny and Robert were my parents’ best friends since high school. Our families had dinner together at least once a week. And they were truly great people. Robert was funny as hell, and Ginny was just a genuinely sweet person. It’s unfortunate that they also happened to be Jason’s parents.

“Be on your best behavior, kitty Kat” Mom said, giving me a knowing look. “They’re bringing their nephew with them, who I’ve heard is a very agreeable young man. Have you met him, yet?”

I nodded. “He’s alright, I suppose” I replied. “I haven’t talked to him that much. But that’s because Jason’s always around him.”

Mom sighed. “I don’t know why you and Jason can’t get along” she said, frowning slightly. “He’s such a handsome boy.”

“And if that’s all that mattered in a person, we’d get along just fine” I replied. “However, Jason Hughes is one of the biggest douche bags in the world. He’s completely self-absorbed, and I’ve never seen him do a nice thing for anyone else, unless it benefits him somehow, I don’t wish to socialize with people like that.” I took a deep breath, then smiled lovingly at my mother. “However, because you guys are the coolest parents ever, I pinky promise to be on my best behavior.”

I put my pinky out for my mother to wind her pinky around, but instead, she grabbed my extended hand, and pulled me into hugs and kisses on the cheek. I squealed and laughed loudly, before carefully maneuvering out of her grip, and skipping upstairs to take a shower.

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