Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"I assume a dark room? I dunno, I'm not smart." Ariana said.

It was silent for awhile.

Ariana slowly stood up and looked around the place with the little light we had.

"Do you have any idea how we got here?" She asked.

Before I could nod, a memory quickly hit me.


I set (Y/n) down on her bed. She avoided any eye contact. She threw her blanket over herself and sat there, still avoiding eye contact.

"...Thanks." She said.

"You're welcome." I said.

"How are you feeling?"

"Are you fucking serious?" She said as she looked at me with an angry expression on her face.

I gulped and my eyes began to widen. I didn't think she would take offense to that.

Soon Al walked in with Ariana following in.

"Heeeey you two. Getting some alone time?" Ariana winked.

(Y/n) looked at Ariana and deeply sighed. 

"Look, I'm great. Fantastic, even. So you can all get the hell out." (Y/n) said with a sarcastic smile on her face. This new attitude of hers was making me have mixed emotions. She wasn't the sweet girl I met at the library anymore... the girl I fell in love with.

"(Y/n), you were just in the hallway fatigue and puking. We are your friends. We care about you so much! You do so much for all of us... now we are returning a favor." Al said.

She looked at Al and lightly chuckled. "Yeah, okay." She said as she rolled her eyes. She a gave yet another sarcastic smile and covered her whole body with the thin white blanket.

Me and Al looked at each other in disappointment. I sat on the edge of the bed while AL sat in the chair in across from the bed. Ariana looked at the both of us as if we did something wrong. 

"C'mon guys. You gotta stop giving her this little pity party. You have to be real with her." She said as she walked towards the side of the bed.

She squatted down and slowly lifted the blanket. Immediately (Y/n) shoved Ariana down and stood up. 

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" (Y/n) yelled.

The room fell silent. Her father soon came in with a smug ass smile on his face. 

"Alright, I think it's time for everyone to leave the room. Maybe give her some air." He said.

"I wouldn't DARE to leave (Y/n) alone with you!" I bolted. 

After I realized what I had said, I immediately started blushing.

"We... I mean WE wouldn't dare to leave (Y/n) alone with you!" I said, correcting myself.

I heard a faint giggle coming from both Ariana and Alphonse.

"Oh but I think you will..." He said. 

Her father snapped his fingers and men came in. Big, buff men. Ariana immediately got up and Alphonse got into a fighting stance.

Her father then started to walk towards (Y/n). "You know... it's very disrespectful to disobey a lady when she wants to be alone." He said as he looked at us. He then yanked (Y/n)'s arm, making it make a pop sound.

She squinted her eyes and yelled. "LET ME GO! AUGH!" 

I gasped and my blood started pumping. "You bastard!" I yelled. I charged but one of his men pushed me down, causing my head to hit the wall. My head vision started to get weird.

"Edward!" Ariana yelled. She quickly ran to me.

"Brother! Ah!" I heard Al yell. I looked over and saw Al get taken away.

"Al! No...!" I yelled.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Ariana yell. I quickly glanced over and saw (Y/n) unconscious while her father was holding a needle. He glanced over at me and grinned. He slowly walked over to me. My heart was racing. My brain wanted to move but my body didn't want to.

"Don't you touch him!" Ariana said as she got up. (Y/n)'s father slapped her so hard you could heard the sound travel throughout the whole hospital. She fell down on the floor... hard.

He kneeled down to me and grinned yet again. "A state Alchemist... The Fullmetal Alchemist... Hah... do you even deserve that title? He said as he put the needle in my arm.


"Edward...Edward...Edward!" I heard as my body shook. I blinked a few times and saw Ariana.

"Dude... are you okay?" She asked.

"We need to find Al... And (Y/n)... They are all in danger. WE are in danger." I said, holding back tears.

"Don't cry on me. Man up. We are gonna find a way outta here. You'll be with your little girlfriend and brother in no time." She said with a smile.

I looked at her. I wanted to smile back but I couldn't. I couldn't smile knowing that my brother and (Y/n) were in danger. 

I'm going to kill that man.


Oh my goodness! Hey babies. It's been awhile, right? I'm so sorry. SO much has been going on. I moved to Florida and just a lot was going on. I apologize for the long wait. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I would love suggestions. Also, FOLLOW ME FOR UPDATES ON MY WRITING! This is NOT for follower gain, this is so you guys are aware of what's going on. Anyways, until next time my lovelies! 

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