our letters

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This was Sãyākå-kun's letter.


I just realized that we're doing a big sin. An officer and a club girl having a mystery of love. I love you, but our love is not pure. We're hiding our feelings and I dont want to cause you any trouble. I'm a prostitute, I'm not supposed to end up with a police officer. I don't know what I'm doing but I'm sure it is our fate that we'll meet and we'll forget each other.

I love you always.
I hope I'll see you again.


This was Kenì-sáñ's letter.


What we've done was sinful but why do I get the feeling that it is so right. I'm not leaving you because of this, it is because I'm assigned to another place by my commanding officer so I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'll never see you again. I'm so intoxicated.

I have a deep regards to you.
I hope I'll see you again.

Sincerely yours,

Even though they ended up in a tragic way they still didn't give up on their trust to each other. They just wanted to have a good reputation of their own lives and the others. It was fated that they would love each other and would leave each other. They understand what they should to complete their righteousness.

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