Chapter One

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Draco's P.O.V.
We have to go back to Hogwarts to make up our previous year. I was excited because that meant I get to see Harry and his gorgeous hair and eyes.... Shhhhh, you heard nothing. I've had a crush on him ever since first year. I was devastated when he didn't shake my hand so in order for me to actually be near him I have to mess with him. You know, complement him with sarcasm to throw him off. Start an occasional fight, the usual.

"Draco, come here. We must tell you something of an urgent  matter." called my father from downstairs. Ugh, I can never get some peace and quiet can I.

I trudged down the stairs and my mother looked at me with a sympathetic look while sitting on the sofa. She also looked....nervous?Maybe fearful? Father had himself perfectly composed and stared me dead in the eye.

"Son, we must discuss with you about your inheritance." said father. "Yes, I know, I know. I am pure blood and I am better than half bloods, mudbloods, and muggles. Can I go now? " I said and added an eyebrow raise for effect. Father looked at me with a stern look on his face. "Draco..." he warned. "Sorry father." I mumbled,he was still annoyed when he spoke a minute later. "Actually Draco that is not all in you blood lines. You are a veela."I almost gasped "How the bloody hell and I a veela?!?!" It was my mother who spoke now "Well Draco, your father was born a veela because of his mother, and her mother was a pure blood who married a veela. " I stood in shock. My father broke the silence "Draco, you will have wings and...a mate. If your mate rejects you, you will die. You know your mate because they will have a scent like none other, but be careful son." With that he left and my mother whispered "Check in the library at school, Dumbledore will give you a pass to the restricted section because of your situation. She strode out of the room but then said "Draco, we are going to get school supplies today." I nodded looking down at my shoe laces.

We apparated to Diagon Alley and headed to the robe shop. My parents went to another store to talk to someone. Of course, the first person I see in the shop was none other than Harry Potter, hewas there getting measured. He looked skinnier than I remember him. His arm was about half the size of mine, his ankles were as small as a normally sized arm. I wonder what happened....
Then I noticed a wonderful smell. And it was coming straight from Harry. I did a happy dance in my head but then realized I would die cause he wouldn't accept me. Sh*t.

"Hello Potter" I called without a sneer and the venom I usually put on Potter. He looked very confused, he must be thinking something along the lines of, why the heck did Malfoy just greet me civilly?!? "Potter" I drawled, "you look to skinny for this to be healthy" I tried to sound like I didn't care but I was starting to get worried. What if he was starving himself?!? "None of your business Malfoy" but he didn't spit out the words like he tasted something foul. It sounded like his voice was strained and it hurt him to speak.

"Harry, I'm only trying to help." Harry was really shocked now. "Since when have you called me Harry!?!" Oh, did I actually say Harry instead of Potter, crap... "Umm...yeah?" Now he was very confused so then out of no where I said "Harry, I am so sorry for what I've done to you." it sounded like I was pleading for him to forgive me. "I know you won't ever forgive me or be my friend but I just wanted you to know." he looked more shocked if that was possible. I paid for my robes and walked out. Oh God, this is gonna be a long year.

Hey guys!!! This is my first story ever! I ship Drarry so hard and this is obviously a Drarry fan fiction so if you don't ship it I would leave now. So in the comments tell me what ships I should do. I was think maybe Fremione? (Yes I didn't kill off Fred, Sirius, Remus, Tonks or Snape and I might save others if it works with the plot). I'm sorry that this is a short chapter, I just wanted you to get a general idea of what's going to happen. Leave constructive criticism in the comments and if you like the story comment and vote so Vomment! If I need help with ideas I will ask you guys for help. So let me know what you guys think. Oh and I will try to update every weekend and try to sooner, it's just because of school so yeah. Bye guys 👋

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