The sharp thud of chair legs hitting the porch decking silenced the young men as Teaspoon stood up. “Okay Boys, that’s enough!” Turning his attention towards Cody, he spoke in a firm tone that meant business. “Cody! Don’t you have some work to be getting onto?”

“I’m coming Teaspoon,” Cody replied, “Just give me a minute to say goodbye to Miss Higgins.” Quickly he turned his attentions back towards Mary, giving her his most dazzling smile.

Teaspoon held up his hand to thwart the oncoming protests about to ensue from the boys.

“Now before you say anything I know you're all angry.” He paused, waiting for the grumbling to cease before continuing.  “It’s hotter than Hades out here, and y’all have been working hard, as well as tired and hungry. I understand, but you boys have to remember that there will come a day when a pretty young lady will turn your head faster than it will take Cody to blink, and she’ll be all you’ll be able to think about, and someone else will have to carry your load for the moment, now just chew on that.”

"*It's still not filling up my belly.*" Ike signed, then rubbed his growling stomach. 

“That all sounds good and nice for Cody, Teaspoon,“Jimmy retorted, “but I don’t see any pretty girls looking our way, and I’m sure not getting any closer to Emma’s beef stew!”

Buck, who was usually quiet, thoughtful and generally in control of his tongue rashly spoke out. “So what are you saying Teaspoon? Do we have to do all Cody’s work while he flirts with every girl in Sweetwater who smiles his way? That doesn’t sound fair to me, and frankly I am tired of it!”

“*I agree!*” Ike signed.

Teaspoon, understanding the meaning behind Buck’s words leveled his gaze upon the young Indian’s dark eyes, his words succinctly spoken. “Careful Buck, careful! Those words may just come back to bite you.” The meaning clear.

Buck went silent, breaking his dark look as he signaled for Jimmy to toss him another sack of flour.

Teaspoon cast his eyes upon Cody as he spoke, “I thought I told you…”

“I’m coming Teaspoon, I'm coming,” Cody responded with hast.

Resuming his seat, he watched as Cody bid a warm farewell to Mary Higgins, gallantly kissing the back of her hand with a flourish.

Looks passed between the boys sharper than Buck’s knife could cut as Cody rejoined them. “What?! What did I do?”

“Nothing Cody, nothing at all.” Jimmy growled, heaving another sack to Ike.

Sighing, Teaspoon turned back towards the marshal, “Sometimes, I just don’t know Sam. They’re good hard working boys but there are times I think…”

Sam, who had been watching the whole scene play out picked up on the other man’s thoughts. “There are times you think it would be better if there were no pretty girls around to turn their heads, causing them to act so crazy?”

“Yep, something like that, but I would probably have better success if I just put blinders on Cody.” The amusement faded from Teaspoon’s voice. “I can’t blame Buck for getting so angry,” Teaspoon continued, “This town has given that boy an awful hard time since the second attack over at White Canyon. The burned down way station hasn't helped matters any. If anything it's increased this town's ignorant talk!  Any young lady that dares to pass a look Buck’s way generally has a mother in tow that hightails her precious daughter out of Buck’s path, afraid he is some sort a savage out for their scalps.”

Sam was silent for a moment, absently scuffing his booted foot back and forth on the wooden porch boards. He loved listening to the sounds of his town at peace. The horses whinnying as they trotted into town, and the children laughing as they ran, leaping over his long legs stretched out across his porch. These sounds, mingled along with piano music coming from the hotels’ saloon, and especially the giggles of the young girls as the Express riders rode into town, interwove themselves into the tapestry of everyday life in Sweetwater that Sam loved. Nothing missed Marshal Cain’s sharp eyes and ears, and he knew the pulse of his town better than anyone. Yet in the last month the sounds seemed only a surface illusion, like smooth ice deceptively glazed over a pond, ready to crack and take any unwary soul down under into its cold dark depths.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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