
"Yeah, right then. Somebody slaps a big juicy sirloin in front of you, you walk away? Hm? That's what we are to him now - meat on legs. I'm sorry, I'm sure he's a stand-up guy but it's pure, base instinct. Everything in natures gotta eat. You think he can stop himself 'cause he's nice?"

"I don't know." Sam sighed. "But we're not gonna kill him until he does something to get killed for."

After that, Sam left the room leaving a confused trio behind. "What's wrong with your brother?" Travis inquired.

"Don't get me started."


Once the youngest Winchester came back to start business, the three set off - Harley in the back as always, much to her dismay. She sat with her bat between her legs, tracing the letters and designs with her nail. The girl always loved the detail that she inscribed on the wood. Harley couldn't even remember what design she drew first, all she knew was that once she started she couldn't stop and soon the once normal bat was personalized and became a trademark of the infamous Harley Quinn.

Her head stayed facing down towards the weapon but her attention turned to Dean once he began speaking. "All right, so we're gonna go have a little chat with this guy. Which, you know, I'm down. And I know Harley's down. But I just want to make sure that if push comes, you're gonna shove."

"Meaning?" Sam inquired.

"Well, odds are we're gonna have to burn this guy alive." Dean pursed his lips, turning to his younger brother who exhaled.

"This guy has a name and a wife." He argued.

"Yeah, who were probably gonna make a widow, okay? I mean, you heard Travis. He's gonna turn. They always turn."

"Maybe he won't." Sam spat. "Maybe he can fight it off."

Harley winced, her head already pounding thinking about the argument that was about to commence. "And maybe he can't. That's all I'm saying."

"Harley. Headache. Quiet." The girl groaned, leaning back in her seat.

"All right, we'll just have to see then, okay?" Sam spoke ignoring the girl in pain in the backseat.

"This is what I mean, Sam." Dean shook his head. "You sure your emotions aren't getting in the way here?"

"What are you talking about." Sam asked, genuinely confused.

"You know, nice dude, but he's got something evil inside. Something in his blood maybe you can relate." Dean snapped.

"Come on, Dean." Harley sighed, hitting the oldest on the shoulder.

"Stop the car." Sam spoke. The girl could see tears welling in his eyes.

"No, Sam-" She started but the tall brother cut her off.

"Stop the car or I will." Dean scoffed, pulling off into an open spot in the woods. Sam opened the door the second he could, Harley getting out behind him - followed by Dean.

"Sam, we can all talk about this." Harley spoke in her calm voice, trying to block the brothers from each other.

"Oh, I'll talk." Sam laughed humorless. "You wanna know why I've been lying to you Dean? Because of crap like this!"

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