I shook my head, trying my best not to listen to what she was about to say, my ears covered with my hands.

"Because you weren't sure yourself."

If only I can say something to defend myself. If only there was a hole I can prove to her that I am not what she thinks yet there's nothing.

She is right. She knows the truth.

"If you know me so much, why help me too when you can save Q alone?"

She placed the folder back to the floor. Faye sat on the edge of my bed. "You see, despite your illness, you don't deserve to be here."

My eyebrows furrowed. I'm sick. I have a disorder. This is a sanitarium. Why don't I deserve to be here? Isn't it that I'm supposed to be here, more because I have a reason to be? "What do you mean?"

"Q told you about Echo's inefficiency when it comes to particular duties and security, right?" I nodded. "Well that isn't just the flaw in this place. There are a lot more."

Flashes of memories entered my head. I remember escaping this very room everyday. I thought I was a nurse when all along, I was a patient. I thought I was helping ill people when I, also was ill.

I then felt pain in my head again. I heard loud banging inside of my mind.

I felt hands on top of mine on my ears. They were Faye's hands, pulling away the covers I put. "Don't force yourself to remember. Reminiscing the acts of your other identity can create major effects in your disorder."

"If I was a patient here, why am I not healing? Or, the proper question is; Is my disorder even curable?"

I was, yet again, in the verge of crying. Imagine yourself doing things, mad things, but not aware you're doing it. I've killed people without my will.

What if the real me was the killer? What if Kaylen Costanza is a psychopath? What if this current state of mine is not really who I am but another identity?

I am so confused. I hate what I've been put through.

"There's no cure to MID." she admitted. A tear fell from my eye. "But, long term treatments like talk therapies and hypnotisms are effective. That's why you need to get out of this place. Echo Sanitarium doesn't do anything for their patients. They treat you all like prisoners. Instead of hospital beds and IV bags, you get bars and chains. This place is sicker than the patients themselves."

"Q." I said. "Is Q who he really is? What's his real sickness?"

I shouldn't be reminiscing my other identity's acts but I just can't help it. I remember infiltrating the records room, searching for Q's documents. I was sure I saw "Psychopath" in his papers.

"I have to admit that I'm not sure." she stated. Q is a huge mystery. "But from all the times we talked, there's no way that guy is capable of crime."

"When did you two meet?" I can't help but ask. That throbbing I feel when I think of the two of them together remained.

"Now now. You don't need to be jealous." she laughed.  "A few weeks ago, I was helping my friend find her nurse uniform. Turns out, someone took it from her while she was taking a shower. I wonder who?"

I bowed my head and didn't speak more about what I did.

"I passed his cell and got curious of what he was doing. Out of all the patients, he was the most quiet. At first, I thought he was cooking some clever plan to escape this sanitarium. I can't blame him though, anyone would want to be out of this place." she said. "It all started from there. I started talking to him. I was frequently assigned to the 13th floor and that was why I had the time to have conversation with him."

Mad As A Hatter | #KNLabyrinthWCWhere stories live. Discover now