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Ok so like WOW! In my life right now it's not going good... You see my most of my friends are having a hard time... And I've been having seriously bad back pain, can't sit , can't run, can't laugh, can't SNEEZE    AND THAT SUCKS!!!  So uhm things are just popping up here and there ,panic attacks, fear, work, school, friend ,and you guys... I just wanted to say that all of you reading or seeing this are just awesome people! Which means your Selfless , kind, caring , protective ,and AWESOME! And I hope you love your self no matter what! Because I know I don't love my self right now...... So what I'm saying.... Be Careful what path you take....and who your with because one day some one WILL GET A F*** ING JACK HAMMER AND SMACH YOU HEART INTO PECIES!  Ok I may be over exaggerating a LITTLE bit to much (Snowy):Ya think? Me: *rolls eyes* (don't ask about the pic I made it..... Some how...)

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