Chapter one

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Frank groans at the sound of his alarm, rolling over to hit snooze and wrap himself back around Gerard.

In his half asleep, half awake state, he grabs the body pillow he keeps at the foot of the bed and puts it behind for when he has to actually get up.


Frank sighs at the second alarm, slipping out of the covers. He pulls a sleeping Gerard into the center of the bed, taking the body pillow and stuffing it against his back in his place.

He gets dressed, pulling on a pair of ripped jeans, a button up, and a cardigan. Sweet Pea gets up from her doggie bed in the corner to follow him down stairs.

Frank makes himself eggs, watching them as he fills Mitch's and Pea's food bowls. He sits at the breakfast bar to eat and check Twitter.

About two minuets later, he's putting the dishes in the sink and heading up stairs to brush his teeth and hair.

Frank groans at the knot in his almost shoulder length black hair. He combs it through anyway.

Walking out of the bathroom adjoined to their bedroom, he checks Gerard's alarm is on and kisses the sleeping fertile on the head. Mitch comes out from under the bed to sit protectively on the pillow behind Gerard and Frank nods to him. He grabs his backpack on the way out the door and kisses Sweet Pea on the head.

Frank makes sure the door is locked three times before he's jogging down the stairwell and out the building.

Gerard yawns and hits snooze on his alarm, rolling around snuggling into the body pillow Frank put behind him. When he was not looking, Gerard had lathered the thing in his cologne.

He groans as Mitch starts to lick at his hair and face. The cat meows and Gerard meows back before slowly opening his eyes.

"Good morning."

He slips out of the covers, pulling on his skeleton onesie and heading downstairs for food.

He checks the clock, at this time, Frank would be in his third class of the day. Gerard makes coffee, placing his Batman cup under the nozzle for when the drink is ready.

He picks up Mitch from the floor and walks into the living room. Gerard plops down next to Sweet Pea and turns the TV on.

It's about a twenty minuet walk from campus to his apartment and Frank usually has about an hour and a half to have a late lunch with Gerard before heading to his internship at five.

Frank walks into the tall building, opening the door and starting the long trudge up the stairwell. Sometimes, he regrets getting an apartment on the sixth floor.

Fishing his keys out his pocket, Frank works on undoing the multiple locks he had installed into the poor door.

"Master?!" Gerard pauses his music at the sound of the door.

"Yeah baby!" The fertile nods to himself, turning the music back on.

Frank drops his bag by the door, leaning down to pet Sweet Pea when she comes up to greet him. He starts walking up the stairs and into the room across their bedroom. It was the only other room up there besides the bathroom. The couple called it their office. Inside, they had a long desk for both of them and a small one for Gerard when he draws. They also had their filming equipment inside and Frank's guitars were sat on their stands in the corner.

Gerard sits at the long desk, scrolling away on his computer. Frank comes up behind him, kissing him on the top of the head in greeting.

"Hey kitten." Gerard hums, tipping his head back so Frank can kiss him on the lips.

"What do you want for lunch?"

"I don't fucking know." Frank chuckles, walking out of the room. Mitch jumps out of Gerard's lap, following Frank. Sweet Pea lifts her head off her paws and follows too, knowing Frank was going to the kitchen.

Frank fills their bowls, setting them down in their places before starting on lunch. He decides on spegettii and meatballs.

"LOOK AT MY ASS! LOOK AT MAH THIGHS! I'M CATNIP TO THE GUYS!" Gerard turns when Frank opens the door at eight. He winks before continuing to prance around the apartment, Mitch and Sweet Pea on his heels.

Frank smiles, dropping his messenger bag by the door and shrugging off his coat.

"You need to stop learning songs from the internet." He says, walking up to Gerard and wrapping his arms around him.

"Ohh you love it." Gerard teases, laughing as Sweet Pea scurries around their feet.




Votes and comments are always appreciated. I'll see you peoples tomorrow!

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