Chapter 3

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( Shi's Pov )

   My eyes widen in fear as scarlet blood oozes out from Ketsueki's wound. The bullet had gone right through her abdomen, piercing her lung. I realize to late that she had taken the bullet for me- protecting me from a fateful wound. Anger burns deep within me and I clench my hands into fists, letting the anger fade to a dull aching. Ketsueki wasn't going to gain anything from my anger. Right now I had to find a doctor. A doctor that wont run away screaming when he sees her.

 Fog sets in, casting the blue ocean into a misty playground. I glance around nervously and wait. Wait I don't know for what or something, but I was waiting. Nothing came and I feel my muscles slowly start to relax. A groan comes from Ketsueki's pale lips, causing me to stop what I was doing and rush to her side.

"Ketsu? Can you hear me?" I whisper desperately, my heart beating frantically. Sure I had just met the silver haired girl, but she had saved me from death. It didn't matter what I had heard from the people around me. Ketsueki is who she is even if she can see death.

"What kinda name is that?" Her soft, whispery thin voice snorts. Her pale eyes weren't open, so I had no idea of if she was joking or not.

"It just slipped." I shrug and fold the blankets around her more. Tying to keep the chill off her already shaking body. The strong young women I had first met was gone and in her place was a broken young girl.

"I hope you don't do anything stupid." She grumbles under her breath. "After all you're going to surpass me and become the world's greatest swordsman." Ketsueki's eyes open for a split second and I hold in a shocked breath. Her eyes were pitch black and startling beautiful. I nod my head to show her I heard, but I didn't promise her. She sighs heavily before falling back once more and closing her eyes.

"Sorry you had to take the hit." I kneel down and place my forehead to hers, but I draw back before she realizes what I had done. I move away from her and get back to steering the ship. Worry grows more as her breathing turns more shallow and uneven.

( Third Person's Pov )

  Ketsueki squeezes her eye tighter, not even bothering to pull the blanket closer to her body. Shi's burning gaze lingers on her before moving away. Ketsueki scowls as his concern reaches her. She didn't need his feelings, all she is to him is a stepping stone. A stepping stone she was going to be for the world's greatest swordsmen.

"Kid, come here." she hiss weakly. "Take this boat and direct it towards the island hidden in the mist."


"Don't interrupt me, kid!" She snaps. Her temper flaring for a split second before her body is broken with coughs. "Once there tell them Trafalgar is needed."

"Hai," Shi salutes her before going back to the steering wheel and drifting them in the course she'd said to go.

Ketsueki smirks dryly as she listens to the waves hit the side of the boat in a soothing manner. Washing away the pain for the time being. Wonder fills her as she ponders the idea of her father coming to take her home. Letting her leave the world where her young heart had been shattered into small shards.

Trafalgar. You'd better be there when I awake from this damn bullet. Ketsueki sighs and lets herself go. No use in fighting the darkness.


So I know this is short (and long over do) but Lynn and I plan on updating again tonight^-^


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