Chapter 11 Strange Source

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The city was overtaken by the jungle's foliage. Some of the ancient city, vines covered the walls and structures. Though once they came to the center of the city, they were on the ancient mountain size pyramid.

Unlike the other buildings this building seem intact and untouched by nature, in fact, it looked just built

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Unlike the other buildings this building seem intact and untouched by nature, in fact, it looked just built. A large staircase led to the top to which Eliot began walking while his sister followed, now everyone was a bit reluctant to follow until the boy spoke again.

"I suggest we hurry before it gets dark or do we want to be attacked again."

This made everyone follow the child up to the stairs quickly eventually going inside a long tunnel that could only be entered by taking the tall staircase. As the survivors walked down the halls the inside had cracks and broken walls, clearly either this was from time or by an attack. Though eventually, they reached a large room with an extremely large stone chair in the center.

"Okay, I can now explain so everyone please listen as I begin explaining why we are here," Eliot said as he walked to the stone chair and pointed to something above the entrance they all arrived in. What Eliot had pointed to was a large picture of ten different people all aiming to a something shining in the center while some animals chased behind them. Around the images were inscriptions that no one could understand. 

"Now I will show you all that I know from what I have seen," Eliot said while holding the temples on his forehead and then projecting his hands out in front of himself. Images began appearing and changing the shape of the room. Slowly the room was covered in the same black creatures from earlier filled the room making everyone panic. Though there seemed to be many different variants than the ones they encountered earlier. "Do not worry this is only the past...It is not real." Eliot assured everyone as all the black creatures phased through each person, they were practically holograms. 

Quickly each of the creatures lunged for a man in the center next to Eliot. The man was extremely tall and tanned. This man was covered in robes and a large feather headdress but what he was doing was amazing. A large glass dome covered him while his hands glowed, the dome was protecting him from the creatures. "This was the ruler of this island. He was like us with abilities and he used them to protect the people of this city. Though he was eventually overrun and defeated meaning the city was defeated. So before he died he foretold of ten individuals who would replace him to fight these creature called Voids. The king did not know where they came from but they always emerged only at night to attack his people. So these ten people are us, and we have to fight these creatures. Just like this man we all have some form of power than can help us. For example, Venn can transform into a werewolf, Mikhail can't die, and I can see and project the past with glimpses of the future. I do not know the full details of everything as I only learned this much from what I saw from the past while asleep." Eliot explained as the king continued to fight against the voids but then Eliot snapped his fingers making the room return back to its original look, untouched for years.

"So we are superheroes trying to save this island where there are no people? That is just stupid." Xavier called out while Venn shook his head. "Then how do you explain me? or what we just have seen so some of it has to be real." Venn put in after. 

"Venn is right at the moment and we got nothing else to go off of so shut it, Xavier." Bliss said crossing her arms and signaling for Eliot to continue. 

"All I know is that we are here for that reason and if we tried we can't leave this island as like the king there is something protecting us from being found or escaped. Until I can get more information I don't know anything else other than we have to defeat the Voids until we can get off this island." The boy said looking around waiting for any questions.

"So then we are stuck here..but I  can't fight. I don't have powers or anything. What am I suppose to do?" Adalynn said panicked and starting to build tears. In that moment Eliot showed the scene of what happened to Mikhail, Freya, and himself. "We can be fine with these purple flowers, they seem to repel the Voids. Though I don't know how long so it can buy us time till everyone can handle themselves." 

"So it looks like we are here to kick some ass then? I'm liking the sound of that." Casey said with a grin on her face while twirling her hand spear. 

"So it is best if we grab those flowers and try to get something to eat while we have the sun. Because those things will come back tonight right Eliot?" Gemma asked the child as he walked back to his sister holding her hand, to which he then nodded. "I don't know if its guaranteed they will come but I know they only come out during the night from what I have seen in the past and from last night." 

"So then we need to divide ourselves up then," Xavier said rolling his eyes taking a few steps forward. 

"Here he goes again trying to be leader again. Make way for Doctor pussy." Bliss said throwing her hands up standing next to Adalynn, holding her as the girl was still a bit upset.

"Oh fuck you. Just so that bitch and everyone else can shut up we can vote. I suggest we divide ourselves into three different teams to make it back before dark. Casey, Venn, and Bliss go find something to eat. I will take the twins back while I check and keep Oliver fine. Adalynn, Gemma, and Mikhail stay with each other to go gather the flowers. Is that okay?" Xavier said looking around before narrowing his eyes towards Bliss. "Or is there something else you lik- you know what fuck it I don't feel like dealing with you." He finished already walking off.

While everyone else looked around a bit confused but there were no objections to his plan meaning everyone agreed to it, casually as everyone left Mikhail wandered close to Gemma. "Do how do you feel about this?" He whispered in her ear quietly while they continued to walk in the back of the group. Gemma went silent for a second trying to figure out the words before she heard something in a deep voice ring in her head. Follow feelings in order to find answers. Quickly Gemma turned around feeling as if something gross and angry was behind her making Mikhail stop and tap her. "You okay?"

Gemma stared into the throne room as if she was staring at something thought there was nothing there but an empty room with the large stone chair in the center. "I feel like this is going to get bad real soon," Gemma said turning away and walking back with Mikhail to catch up with the rest of the party.

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