Chapter 5 Heated plans

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Gemma could not help but still wonder what exactly was Xavier problem was with her. Though what he had just said about them needing to work together was true which made her listen quietly. Just like her, all the survivors made their way to make a small circle around Xavier.

"We are on an island cellphones do not work on. Meaning this place might be untouched. So we are going to have to prepare to be here a while." Xavier said to people around him.

The large man known as Venn had something to say, he made this known by him coughing once Xavier had stopped for a pause.

"What makes you think someone is not already on their way to rescue us. When the plane crashed wouldn't someone notice if the plane vanish off the radar?"

"Yes and no." Xavier replied crossing his arms showing he was not amused.  That alone worried Gemma as he was right they needed to work together but no one would want to work with someone with an attitude like Xaviers. "Radar towers from what I believe can only go so far as to tracking planes. Though if a plane is late and never shows up then thats when they are alerted. So even when they notice they have to search the intended path we took and im sure no one has man power to search the ocean looking for a drowned plane in their eyes. So its doubtful nobody is going to rescue us ever." Xavier said coldly, within that very second the twins began to cry.

"I want my mommy and daddy." Eliot said already crying loudly. Freya held onto him not crying out loud but still tears ran down her face. Gemma couldnt help but notice that Freya was the stronger of the twins, even being in such a stressful situation she held up as best she could.

Mikhal leaned over and hugged both twins, Eliot cried while hugging onto the older man. Freya on the other hand still was holding onto her brother trying to keep him and herself calm. "Its okay you two. I am sure we will be rescued very soon. No need to worry." Mikhal assured the twins with his voice, it was actually comforting even into Gemmas ears.

"There was no need for you to say that in front of them. They are just kids you asshole." The girl wearing the dashiki said bluntly.

"Well I am not going to stand here and lie to their faces bitch." Xavier replied quickly with a forked tongue.

"Who the hell are you calling a bitch? You need to watch yourself before I come over there and show you who the real bitch is." Bliss replied just as quick as Xavier.

"Fine then bring it on bitch. I'll put you in your place. I don't care about hitting a girl."

"Oh its on you pussy!" Bliss said already running for Xavier from the ten feet she stood across the sand in. Though before she could get half the distance needed to even strike a blow Venn grabbed her. "Chill out. We don't need to be arguing. If anything we need to work together." Venn explained to the thrashing Bliss who eventually calmed down still glaring at Xavier. "Fine. I don't have time to deal with such an asshole of a person anyway." She replied before standing back next to Adalynn reforming the circle.

"So what do you suggest Mr. Know it all." Casey said rolling her eyes making Xavier turn scoffing.

"We need to search the wreck planes for food and supplies, make shelter, explore the island." Xavier explained before letting out a sigh. "And make a plan for rescue." He added on with a voice of pure unenthusiam.

"I explore the Island." Oliver said boldly, which made everyone look at him. It was clear he still had trouble with speaking english but he was still understandable.

"I'll help you. Come on you two how about we go on an adventure." Mikhal asked the twins before he stood up hunched over holding one of each of the twins hand. The party of four then made their way into the jungle together.

"I rather be with the dead and search the plan than be around here with you." Bliss said angrily before spitting on the sand in front of Xavier. She then made her way for the plan with Adalynn trailing quietly behind her.

"I will go with them just in case anything happens." Venn explained before he followed Adalynn and Bliss for the direction of the plane a little further down the beach.

Gemma couldnt help but walk to Xavier and smile. "Guess that leaves us three together then." Gemma said before next giving her smile to Casey.

"Yea I am stuck with Mr. Asshole know it all and Mrs. Sunshine smiles. I am just as excited as you." Casey said sarcastically while Xavier groaned already walking down the opposite side of the plane looking for supplies. Though Xavier lead both females as they walked behind him.

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