The kiss came back to my mine. My heart sunk at the thought of Lucy not feeling the same way. She just wanted to forget it.

After the kiss I stood there motionless. I didn't know what to say. Ethan liked me that way? My heart skipped a beat but I knew I was being irrational, no calm down. He doesn't it was a stupid move. He would want to forget it. So when he covered his face in embarrassment I comforted him and told him we should just forget it.

When I said it he smiled slightly with sadness in his eyes. I longed to hug him.

I turned and walked out the door to go downstairs. My mom was with Jake and talking. She literally made me thank Jake for what happened at school which honestly wasn't that big of a deal. Sure he got in a fight. Sure it was for me but, I didn't ask him to defend me. I don't care what people thought. No one knows me. Besides Austin's friends and Ethan.

After my mom walked out we all stood their quietly. I turned back to Ethan and remembered the kiss. I know it was best not to avoid it any longer, "Ethan we should go back upstairs and talk." He nodded and we both turned.

As we began walking upstairs I turned and looked at Jake, "Um Jake don't you want to come up to hang out." His face lit up and shoot my head, "I mean with Austin." His expression turned bitter and he shrugged getting up and following, "I guess."

When we made it upstairs Ethan walked into my room I began to follow when I was pulled back slightly. I turned and met my eyes with Jake, "Lucy, I don't think it's a good idea to be alone with him." I bit my lip remembering the kiss but Jake doesn't know just act normal. So I faked a small chuckle, "Why is it a problem to you if I am" He rolled his eyes and smiled, "Lucy I like you and you know that I can't help it if I get jealous." Jealous? Of Ethan and I?

As he said it his hand went to mine and held it. I cleared my throat still processing his jealousy and pulled my hand away slightly, "We aren't a thing yet" His face beamed, why? I mentally slapped myself. I used the word yet in my sentence. "So if I asked you would say yes?" I laughed, "When pigs can fly." I began to turn back into my room when he grabbed me again and held me by the waist, "Is that a challenge?" I smiled, "I would say the challenge is facing the guy that lives down the hall."

I removed his arm from my waist and went into my room and shut the door behind me. I let out a sigh of relief and looked at Ethan. He was sitting at the edge of my bed. I went over slowly and took a seat next to him.

As I sat his head moved up and his eyes met with mine. It was silence until I finally spoke, "What happened ." He shrugged and took my hand and played with my fingers, "I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself." His eyes told me it was a mistake. "Look it's fine. Your my bestfriend I don't want to lose you because of this. Let's just forget it."

He nodded and smiled slightly, "That's what you want?" I nodded knowing it was the best thing for us. I mean Ethan didn't want me. He could easily get another girl. "I think it's the best." His eyes directed away from my sight and to the ground, "Okay." His hand even went away from mine. I couldn't imagine my life without Ethan's. I would never want to jeopardize it. For anything or anyone.

After a few second he lifted his gaze up to mine, "Maybe I should go Lucy it's getting late." I nodded as he stood up and walked away. I sighed and looked at my necklace. I held it between my hand and smiled. Ethan. Kissed me. My heart fluttered at the thought of my first kiss. The way it felt mad emergency squeal. I stood up and walked to my kitchen.

As I walked my fingers touched my bottom lip as I smiled even more. I grabbed leftovers and stuck it in the microwave. I waited for it to beep by hauling myself onto the counter. I thought of the way Ethan reacted at our talk. He seemed sad, I hated seeing him like that. "Whats wrong?" I looked up and saw Austin walk in followed by Jake.

I fake smiled, "Nothing Austin. Im fine." I climbed down as the microwave beeped. "Lucy I've lived with you for 16 years. I know something's bothering you."

I grabbed my food and looked at him and Jake. "Well Ethan just left. Did he say something to you before." I shook my head, "No of course not. He isn't like that. Im serious im fine. Just leave me alone."

With that I spun around with my plate and went to my room.
I sat on the floor with my back against the bed and took off my glasses. I spun through Netflix until I finally picked a movie. I began eating and watching until someone knocked on my door.

After Lucy walked away Austin sighed. "I should probably go talk to her." "Austin she obviously doesn't want to tell you cause your her brother. Maybe I can handle it." He shrugged, "Go for it." I mentally patted myself on the back, alone time with Lucy don't mind if I do.

I shot a thumbs up and went up to her room. I knocked, "Lucy it's Jake. Can we talk?" After a few second the door opened. "Sure." I walked in as she shut the door slightly behind her, "About what?" "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." "Yes nothing is wrong."

Her arms crossed around her chest as she walked past me and sat at the edge of her bed. I took a seat next to her and whispered, "Trust me. I won't tell anyone." She turned her head. I placed my fingers under it and guided her head back so that she was making eye contact with me. "I won't get mad or laugh." She sighed and looked down and mumbled. "Huh?" "I got my first kiss."

My heart sunk. My stomach churned. It wasn't from me. No. No. Anyone but him please. I took a deep breath, "So um why is it bothering you?" "It's not I was just thinking about it when Austin walked in so he thought I was upset. I told you guys I was fine. Either way I don't want to tell Austin since he kinda knew I hadn't had my first kiss. I bet he would go berserk if he knew, so don't say anything."

I nodded and took her hand, "I won't. But may I ask from who?" The way a smiled formed on her face killed me. Not him. Please. She grabbed her necklace making me gulp, "Ethan." My hands formed into fist, "Are you thing now?" She shook her head, "No we decided it would be best to forget it. I think our current relationship is perfect. But I can't forget the feeling."

I felt better but he stood my chance to give her the memory. "Oh." Well they aren't a couple at least. I could go back and tell Austin she's fine. But knowing myself I should take advantage of our time.

We stood up so she could guide me out the door. "Thanks for checking up on me I guess tell Austin he has nothing to worry about." My back was to the door. I smiled and nodded looked slightly down at her since I'm taller.

My hand went to hers. I spun her position with mine so her back was to the door. She gasped silently in the motion. My other arm snaked around her waist pulling us closer. Her hands were on my chest slightly separating us. "Lucy I want to be with you." Her eyes locked with mine. But soon she looked down and pushed me away slightly. I frowned as she just opened the door. I began out when I turned back slightly, "The challenge is still on Luciana."

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