Chapter 1: The begining

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Stacy's Pov: Her at the top
Alarm clock: Beep Beep Beep
Uhh school. School is pretty much a prison. You fenced in a place you don't want to go to. To top it all off I am bullied at school by 9 boys. They are Cameron Dallas who is the leader, Taylor Caniff who is a player, Nash Grier who everyone falls in love with for his eyes, Jack Gilinsky who is a singer along with Jack Johnson and Shawn Mendes, Carter Reynolds who is the richest, Mathew Espinosa who is the jock, and Aaron Carpenter who doesn't really do anything to me, he just watches his friends beat me up. Anyways so I get up and go straight to the shower. After I shower I get dressed in some shorts and a all time low T-shirt. When I get all dressed I go down stairs and grab an apple for breakfast, say goodbye to my sister Alexis and then walk to school.
At school:
Uhh finally, lunch time. I go put my AP Biology Book away when I am pushed back against my locker. I look up to see Cameron along with his gang and Taylor's girlfriend Macey. "Hey Freak" Cameron says to me "leave me alone " I say trying to fight back but failed since he is must stronger. "I don't think so slut" Taylor yells kicking me in the stomach while Cameron holds me to keep my stance so they can hit me. Macey dips her soda on me and laughs along with the others. Aaron just stands their doing nothing. He doesn't hit me like his friends do, and he just watches. Once they are done hitting me they throw me on the ground leaving me their in pain. I have many bruises on my face and stomach. I limp my way to the bathroom and call my sister. "Hello" "Alexis can you pick me up" "why what happened" " the guts are bullying me again and i just wanna go home" I cry "ok I'm on my way"
I end up hoping the fence when Stacey gets here. "Omg what happened" " they hit me again" ".that's it we are going to the mall and giving you a makeover, we will show those jerks they were wrong for bullying you" After Alexis says that she drives off to the mall

Hey guys hope this first chapter was good. Give me feedback if I should continue. I will try to eat a new chapter everyday but idk because of high school. Bye love yuh muah 💋

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