(1) 1: Nagisa's Most Important Secret

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Nagisa's POV
I groan at the annoying sound of both mine and Karma's alarms going off at the same time. I've always wondered how my bed magically becomes 10x more comfortable after my alarm goes off. I hear movement in the next room followed by the silence of my roommates alarm. I regrettably slip out of the blankets on my bed, going to my alarm and shutting it off. I got dressed, then trudged into the kitchen. I left my room just in time to see karma enter his, "Good morning."
"Morning Nagi." He replies through a yawn.
I saw the coffee pot making our daily dose of caffeine. I grabbed two bowls and spoons; then i poured us some cereal, topped them off with milk, and put them on the table. On time as always the coffee pot dinged signalling its complete. I poured us both a cup and sat them on the table with the cereal. I sat down as Karma came into the kitchen now fully dressed. He sat down and together we began eating our breakfast.
As we ate i thought about our morning schedule. Karma got up first and started the coffee as I got dressed. Then he went to get dressed as I made breakfast. After breakfast the two of us would share the bathroom for things like brushing our teeth, hair, ect. Then we would leave to start our classes. It took us an entire week to get that figured out. There was no doubt a lot of yelling and swearing in that week.
We finished our morning routine and made our way to classes, saying good morning to our dorm mates and other acquaintances as we passed them. We would eventually part ways and go to our own respective classes.
I sat down in the lecture room, waiting for class to start. Once the class began I started spacing out, thinking about Karma and how much fun going on dates and cuddling with him would be. I've had a crush on Karma since junior high. All i wanted for Karma though was for him to have a life he could be happy with. A nice wife and some kids, living in a stereotypical house with a white picket fence. Obviously that did not include me so I made an oath to myself to never...NEVER...let Karma know my feelings about him. Over 3 years i've been hiding. How i wished i could just fall out of love with him, and believe me I've tried. It only led to my own agony though, so I met myself halfway and decided I could continue to love him, but only if he never found out about it. I hope that one day i'll meet someone who will make me forget how much I love Karma and save me from my self destructive feelings. Someone I would love more than Karma. Clearly a pipe dream, but for now it was my only chance of escape from my painful one sided love. When Karma asked me if we could be roommates I died a little inside knowing how much more control of my emotions I would need in order to keep my cover from being blown. However I agreed with the part of me that was giddy at the thought of living with Karma, me and him, alone, for all of college. Tomorrow was Friday, so the two of us would get to go to work after classes. By work I mean to our assassination group. I smiled with excitement and turned my attention back to my professor.
The day couldn't have gone by slower, but once it was over I was excited to return to our room. To Karma.

Roses and Forget-Me-Nots (Karma x Nagisa)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ