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~~(y/n) POV~~

I fell asleep cuddling with Jack. We had school today, why was Jack still here?

"Morning beautiful..." He whispered.

"Hi, why are you still here?"

"My parents stayed here the night and so did I, they locked me in here... So I decided to cuddle with you..." He explained.

I nodded, I got up and stretched, today was Friday! So I get a break... YAY... I stretched out and Jack came up behind me a kissed my neck. I freaked out, and hopped forward.

"I love you" he mentioned.

The door then unlocked, and my parents were there.

"Morning love birds, get ready for school" my mom said.

I nodded, and walked to the closet. I grabbed an out fit and started walking to the bathroom, I walked in to the bathroom in my room, then my parents shoved Jack in the bathroom, then slammed the door....

"Take a shower both of you..." They yelled.

"But there's only enough time for one of us to shower..." I said.

"Well your just gonna have to shower together..." They yelled.

I sighed. Jack hugged me.

"You can shower, I can stink, I don't care..." He said.

I ripped his shirt off and a took mine off, I kicked my pants off and pulled his down.

"Get in..." I said.

Before he got in, I took his boxers off. Jack smirked and took my panties off. We both walked into the shower. Turning it on and then washing up. Jack grabbed me and kissed me. He pulled away, and smirked. I grabbed the flower scented conditioner and put It into jacks hair. He smirked, and grabbed the male deodorant scented conditioner and put it into my hair. I started to run the conditioner into his hair, and he did the same to me. He looked adorable with the suds running down his face. I smiled, I grabbed his soapy face and began to kiss him. He kissed back, then we pulled away. We rinsed off and finished washing up. We got out of the shower, dried off and put cloths on. Jack grabbed onto me, leaned me back Onto the counter, and started to make out with me. 5 minutes later we pulled off and continued to finish getting ready. We then walked to school...

End of chapter

Hey guys I know it's a short chapter but it's still good! Thank you for reading this chapter, if you liked it vote! And if you like this, try my other writing, if you like my writing, follow me!! Leave feedback/suggestions because it helps and ask questions! Thank you for reading!

Jack's secret || Jack X readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora