After what happened at the lake he seemed to be doing fine well mentally at least, unfortunately, the wound on his back had reopened.

"Thank you, Storm." Rowdy said keeping his eyes forward,

"No problem Rowdy it's what friends do." Storm murmured quietly with a soft smile,

"It's almost night." Rowdy stated increasing his walking speed, "We need to get to camp."

As they arrived back at camp they began to hear voices,

"Do you think a emergency happened while we were away?" Storm questioned

"I don't know, but lets find out." Rowdy mumbled walking into camp, only to be tackled to the ground...

He lands on his side with a thump, his back stinging in pain, gritting his teeth he glares at the horse who knocked him over,

"Daddy your back I'm so happy to see you." The squeaky voice of his daughter yelled off,

"Wha- Emerald what are you doing here?!" He gasped his glare instantly disappeared at the sight of his kid

"Well me and Blood don't like the Mountain horses they're to strict for us and plus they don't even like us." She said frowning,

"Em is right dad the herd doesn't want us." Blood said

Cinder decided to cut in,"So you never told me you were a father Rowdy." She said while smirking,

"I'll explain everything Cinder, just let me get things under control." Rowdy sighed,

"Emerald, Blood, we will discuss the rest of this in the morning, for now follow me to the cave." Rowdy grunted, his foals happily followed him.

"These are your nests." The stallion said flicking his ear at two hay beds, 

Blood nodded at his father and quietly walked to his nest feeling tired all of a sudden,

"Night daddy." Emerald said softly raising her head to touch muzzles with him,

Rowdy looked down at his youngest and gave her a small smile "Night kiddo.." 

Emerald returned the smile before heading to her nest.


"So these are your kids?" Cinder asked Rowdy as he left the cave,

"Yeah they are....."

"How? I thought we weren't allowed to have kids or mates."

"This was before I was a med-horse."

"Oh.." Cinder said looking down before smiling and looking back up "So who's the lucky mare?"

Rowdy stiffened at this, glancing off to the side he muttered "She's dead."

Cinder gasped and flattened her ears shamefully " I-I'm so sorry Rowdy..." She trailed off

"Don't apologize it's not your fault." Rowdy said sharply,

A few moments later he turned to Storm, "Storm will you please go get some Dock leaves for me, my wound is starting to hurt again." He grumbled looking at the bite

"Yeah Rowdy, give me a second." She said, turning around and walking to the herb store, unfortunately there was no Dock

"Shoot." Storm snapped quietly to herself before looking up to tell the time,

'It's almost 7 its gonna be dark soon..... if I hurry I can get the Dock and get back without stopping.' She said to herself, nodding she trotted out of camp.

Part 11 has been re-written! 

Hope you enjoyed,


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