Part 8

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Part 8 art, not my base

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Part 8 art, not my base.

Storm woke up with something warm curled around her, sighing softly she snuggles closer to the warmth, nearly falling asleep again until she feels something move next to her, peaking her eyes open she's first to see the sleeping face of Rowdy, snapping her eyes open she frantically tries to figure out how she got next to the stallion..

'Did I sleep walk or something?!' She yelps in her mind, 'Or did I hit my head and Rowdy had to drag to his nest to keep an eye on me- wait no that makes no sense...'

So caught up in her thoughts she didn't even realize Rowdy had awoken and was now watching her blankly " Can I get up or...?" He trailed off, Storm pulled herself from her thoughts and looked away in embarrassment,

"Uh- Sorry.." She muttered getting up, a grunt sounded from the male as he stood as well, 

"Wanna go to the meadow, to search for herbs with me?" He asked turning to her,

"Sure, just let me get Cinder up-" Storm said but cut herself off at the sight of a sleeping Cinder "Never mind let her sleep." Storm sighed in a deadpan voice,
Rowdy rolled his eyes at his former apprentice, "Come on, let's get going." He said walking past Storm.


At the meadow Rowdy could still see the Mountain Herd there, he could barely make out the pelts of his children playing with other foals,

'At least they are safe....' He thought grazing next to Storm sometimes stealing glances at his kin.
They had already gathered herbs and decided to eat while they were there,

"Why do you keep looking over there, is there someone you like?" Storm said smirking,
The tan stallion choked on the grass he was swallowing "What! No! Storm stop, I'm a med-horse! We are not allowed someone or become mates with anyone!" Rowdy said defensively,

Storm giggled at the flustered stallion "I know Row, I'm just joking." She said nudging him playfully, the stallion only grunted in displeasure.

"Come we should be getting back to camp." Rowdy said his face returning blank,

'Oh great job Storm you had to make him go back into his emotionless shell' Storm thought sadly, huffing she walked away with him, oblivious of the confused stares of two horses.


On the pathway to the camp a twig snapped, Rowdy froze listening for any signs of movement, hearing another snap made Storm stop walking to listen as well. 

Suppressing a shudder Rowdy looked behind himself to check on Storm, only to see a pair of glowing green eyes focused on the grey mare, an all too familiar scent flooded his nose......Wolf.
"Storm, move!" Rowdy yelled to the oblivious mare, 

That's when the wolf lunged to attack Storm, biting down the wolf opened its piercing green eyes to see its prize only to see it had bitten down on a very angry tan stallion's back. Rowdy pinned his ears at the wolf and neighed angrily as his eyes flashed red for a second before returning to the normal color, the large canine whimpered. 

It released Rowdy and began to back up as Rowdy stalked towards it, his eyes dark with rage.
Rearing up, Rowdy slammed his hooves down on the now motionless wolf, it's pack howled in panic before fleeing.

"Are you okay?" Rowdy fretted looking Storm over for wounds and ignoring the bleeding bite on his back 

"I-I'm fine Rowdy, but are you!" Storm stuttered 

"I'll live come on lets get back to camp before those mutts decide to come back for seconds." Rowdy said, fighting back the urge to wince when his back flared up in pain, snorting, he guided a shaken Storm back to camp.

'He saved me....' Storm trailed off in her head muttering a small 'thank you' loud enough for Rowdy to hear.

Rowdy only flicked his ear showing Storm that it was nothing.

Part 8 has been Re-written,

Hope you enjoyed,


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