"So you remember them ?"

"From his dream, yes. Around what time did that happen ?" Dean asked.

"I'd say ten thirty, maybe thirty five" Ron replied.

"And you were found a bit before eleven..." Dean muttered, facing Sam who nodded once.

"What were you doing out of your room so late ? I thought the curfew here was 10PM." Castiel asked in a severe voice.

Hermione squirmed slightly. "We were paying Hagrid a visit. You know, the friendly, bearded giant ? He's the groundkeeper, and we're really close to him. He's busy during the day, and so are we, so we wait until the evening to go see him... And we often forget the curfew."

Castel stood up swiftly. "Should I go interrogate him ?"

"No no, Cas— sit down, it's okay" Dean asserted, raising a hand in front of the angel. "Those three people, did you recognize them ? Could you like, make a portrait or something ?"

"Well, this is just a theory so I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think they were three Slytherins that we know quite well. One of them is a tall, skinny blonde boy with pale skin called Malfoy. The other two, Crabbe and Goyle, are very big-boned, hulky guys that follow Malfoy everywhere. They have really long arms, short dark hair, and they're just as stupid as they look, if not more."

Dean snorted at that, but Sam started, sitting up straighter.

"That's it. That's what I saw."

"Are you sure ?" Castiel asked gravely.

"Yeah, definitely. Did these guys wear school uniforms with a green tie ?" Sam asked, suddenly energized.

"Probably, green and silver are Slytherin's colors. What did you see ?" Harry replied.

"It's kinda... It's a bit blurry but I remember a snake, a real snake, and I got thrown against a wall. And then I opened a door and there were these two guys that you described, but I only saw them for a fraction of second because immediately after that everything went black and I felt this horrible pain... Like swords in my gut."

"Are you sure there wasn't a third person ?" Hermione asked.

"I didn't see anything... But I think I heard a voice behind me before completely passing out. Can't remember what it said though..."

Ron shook Harry's arm.

"A snake. Slytherin. It adds up, right ?"

"Yes, but where did it come from ?"

"Serpensortia" Hermione whispered, making every head turn to her in confusion. "It's a spell that makes a snake appear. Malfoy used it during your duel in second year."

"Yes, yes, I remember" Harry said with a sharp intake of breath.

"OK wait a second, you lost me right there. Are you saying a snake did it ?" Dean asked slowly, raising his eyebrows.

"No no, there's no way a snake could've done that. Maybe they were trying to scare him... But it didn't work, so they resorted to more brutal methods..." Hermione mumbled, lost in thought.

"Because I caught them" Sam breathed. "They were busted, so they tried to... Kill me ?"

"It still doesn't make sense. What were the students doing there ? Why would they try to scare Sam ?" Castiel said, frowning.

Harry sighed. "I don't know why they were hiding in the restroom, but the Slytherins have a long history of hating Muggles and everything that has to do with them. They despise not only Muggles but also Muggle-born wizards ; they think their blood is unclean and call them 'Mudbloods', and say they don't deserve their place in the wizarding world."

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