Wolves, Mifahalas, and A Girl Named Aviana

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  Aviana was the girl's name

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Aviana was the girl's name. She looked about six or seven years of age.

As Vern lay sleeping on his bed of bear fur, a slow, consistent creak echoed through the room. The noise rung in his ears as he perked up.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" He demanded. All of the residents of the lair were in their rooms, so he knew it couldn't be a dragon. When you entered the lair, you had to open a large door, which was causing the noise. Vern's ears were sensitive, but although the noise was not all that loud, he could hear it plain as day.

The young dragon's fur began to turn purple, fearing that a Mifahala had found the only way way to get in, which was a scepter with a metal dragon on the post and another one confined to a solid, perfectly round chunk of amber as the centerpiece. The door it would summon was a golden door with jade dragons -Kumi dragons to be exact- etched in the front. The scepter was in a place only the dragons knew about, or so they thought.

As Vern got ready to attack the intruder, who had summoned the door in the forest region, he saw a small figure emerge, which confused him, for he knew that Mifahalas were large, even when younglings. All of a sudden, a small voice rang through.

"Hallo?" It said. The soft, young, female voice was gentle in a way Vern had never heard. She walked a little further inside and saw him. "Oi! A dragon!" she cried. She suddenly lunged toward him, causing him to jerk back. She missed her target, fell, and face-planted right into the dirt.

"A-are you okay?" he asked with concern in his voice. She popped right back up like nothing ever happened and hugged Vern.

"I'm Aviana! We're going to be best friends!
"How did you get in here?!" He questioned. "I don't really know... I was being chased by a wolf and suddenly a door was right in front of me! It might be because my family are sorcerers, but I'm not sure." The girl spoke fairly smart for her age, which surprised Vern.

Aviana had short blonde hair, hazel eyes, and was wearing a nightgown-like dress. Black shoes occupied her feet, and she was short and skinny as a rail. Her pale skin made her stand out in the dark forest, with candles illuminating only a small sliver of the terrain.

The little girl hopped onto the large Acadia wood stump that rested beside her and started to swing her arms, shyly glancing at the dragon.

"Wait... did you say wolves?" Vern asked after comprehending what had happened.

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