Chapter 26 - Jake's POV

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"So what?! We kissed, get over it! It's not like I fucking proposed to you or anything! How is it my fault that you expected a relationship to come out of it? Did you really think a kiss could do that much?" I snort in disbelief trying to be as indifferent and cold as possible.

"Listen Johnson you're a great girl but you're just not my type. I'd appreciate it if you didn't follow me like some lovesick puppy. I don't do relationships especially with the likes of you" I say each word with venom before shoving past her walking back to the school.

I let out a groan placing my head in my hands my hands tangling in my hair almost pulling the strands out in frustration. As the words bounce around getting louder each time. For about the fifth time this week I find myself standing at the kitchen counter looking out the window at the house next door. This has got to stop! I'm not only acting like a fucking stalker I'm also acting like a stupid, lovesick puppy. So what if Amelia will no longer speak to me or look my way? There are other girls out there right? I'm a player for goodness sakes I don't have crushes. My head snaps up at the sound of an engine entering their driveway and I growl as I notice that it's Richie Rich or Reese as Chase likes to remind me. He seems to find it hilarious that I hate the guy, apparently I'm jealous. Please, I'm ten times hotter than that guy there is absolutely no need for jealousy. Except for the fact that he's hangs out with her practically every, single day while the only time I spend with her is ....well our shifts at the diner and that's about it. Damn it! Why the hell won't she speak to me? I mean I apologized and I freaking meant it, every time I walk into a room she walks out yet she has no problem talking to my family. I want-no need for her to talk to me like she used to. To smile, hug and laugh around me.

She was nearly perfection. She had a kind heart, a beautiful smile; she's athletic and not afraid to stand up for herself. I feel my lips tilt into a smile as I remember how beautiful she looked in that red dress on Christmas, it took all I had to stop myself from pulling her into my arms and kissing the hell out of her. 

My thoughts were all over the place but they all revolved around the same thing, Amelia Johnson. I sulk as I watch her and her friends hop in to Reese's car driving off somewhere, probably for a stupid double date. Sighing I walk over to the kitchen cabinets and proceed to bang my head against them. "Stop. Thinking. About. Her. Damn it!" 

And that ladies and gentlemen is how my mother found me.

"Jake Carter what in the world are you doing?!" her concerned but amused caused me to blush in embarrassment. 

" know....testing out....uh...the strength of the wood on these cabinets. Yeah! That's what I'm doing" I nod my head enthusiastically. Nice work, pretty decent excuse considering.

"Oh really because from where I'm standing it seems you're trying to forget about her" she says with a sly smirk and I gape at her.

"Don't judge me!" I answer, the only comeback I could come with.

"Rachel really screwed you over Jake" behind her Courtney appears and I reel back in shock. The name causing memories to come flooding back and the fact that Courtney is standing in my kitchen after years of our friendship breaking up was just a bit too much too handle. My cool, calm overconfident demeanour was nowhere to be seen and I felt vulnerable as I saw her twin appear, these two know me behind the mask and it unnerved me. I had to bite my tongue to ensure that I didn't start cursing because if there's one thing my mother knows; it's how to enforce punishments.

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