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No matter how much they looked, neither Kate nor Maeve could find any more information on this voyage except that it was "a big deal". It seemed that the only ones who actually knew what it was all about were the king and queen, and neither sister dared appear curious about the expedition. They hid it well, but the king and queen did not trust their daughters one bit.

In what felt like no time at all, it was one hour until the feast. Kate and Maeve were in Maeve's chamber wearing the "lovely" dresses their mother had picked out for them. Though they looked horrible on the outside, they were even worse on the inside - itchy, stiff and downright uncomfortable.

Once Maeve was certain no servants were within hearing distance, she slid over to Kate. "Found anything yet?" she asked.

Kate replied with a dejected shake of her head. "I know nothing more than what mother told us. You?"

Maeve grimaced. "I don't know shit. I was actually going to ask father, but I decided against it."

Kate nodded. "Wise move. I guess that means we'll be stuck here."

Maeve frowned. "What? Did you think we're not following through because we don't know anything?" She scoffed. "There's no way I'm staying here!"

"Maeve..." Kate began.

"No, Kate, listen. I've lived the life of a princess for sixteen years, alright? I'm done with it! And if you're not going... then, well, I guess this is goodbye."

Kate looked at her incredulously. "You don't mean that!" She sighed at Maeve's determined face. "Maeve. We're twins! Inseparable! You can't just leave one behind. That's a rule. The only acceptable reason for leaving a twin is if one dies, and I sure hope that doesn't happen anytime soon."

"Look, Kate, you're right–I know know you're right. But... I just can't live here anymore. Every second I spend within these palace walls, I feel like I'm suffocating, or drowning, and... I can't bear it. There's a whole world out there, one full of adventure, and conflict, and experiences, but I'm never going to see that if I stay here, sheltered and kept in the dark by Mother and Father.

"But listen, Kate, I have a plan. We're going to sneak onto the ship, hide for a while - I bet they'll have a pantry of some sort–then, when we're far enough out on sea, we can make our presence known."

"But–" Kate started.

"Kate, listen," pleaded Maeve. "If this really is as big a voyage as we've heard, then the crew likely won't want to turn back. And it's not like they'll throw us overboard, we're princesses," she smiled. "We'll have it completely under control."

Kate stared at Maeve. "That's... actually not bad. It might not work, but it's more thought-out than your plans normally are. Granted, you usually don't have a plan at all, let alone a good one, but... "

"So?" asked Maeve impatiently. "Are you in?"

Kate thought a moment before answering. "Okay. But I'm trusting you on this, so you'd better follow through."

Maeve nodded. "I will. I promise."


Dinner was fairly uneventful. Queen Kathereen made small talk with the expeditioners and invited royalty while King Lawrence brooded hostiley. As for Kate and Maeve, well, they sat in silence.

After dinner, everyone went to see the expeditioners off. As she and Kate walked around the bend of the garden into clear view of the lake, Maeve gasped at the glorious sight. The ship sat magnificently on the waters, bow shining.

"Wow," breathed Kate. "It's beautiful!"

Suddenly, a large bang sounded. The sky burst into flames and light shone upon the crowd. Maeve couldn't help herself–she grinned. She had always loved fireworks. Then it dawned on her.

"Of course!" whispered Maeve suddenly. "That's it! A distraction!" She grabbed Kate's arm and pulled her closer to the ship.

"Just want to get closer to the fireworks Mother!" Maeve yelled.

"Maeve, what are we doing?" hissed Kate. "Are we–no. We're not just climbing onto the ship! Not with everyone watching! We're not even remotely hidden from view. We can't just–"

"Kate, relax. Just trust me." Maeve glanced a quick look over her shoulder and counted until the next firework. One, two, three... "Now!"

And the sisters rushed across the lowered ramp and onto the ship.

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