107 Days til Wedding

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Sunday Dinner

When GH become engaged to wendy she wanted to start a tradition of the family getting together every sunday to have dinner, she didn't expect him to include auntie Zhou, BHQ, and meng tian remember wendy grew up rich she was always taught to give charity to those below her class and also do not socialize with these people. they didn't come in rich clothes just simple one's that no one at the table would ever be caught dead in, but to GH this was his second family no not second first they showed him love they comforted when BYL left but didn't ask why or judge him he felt they knew that his actions and tears weren't those of a brother missing his brother but of one wondering why his lover went away whatever the reason they loved him took care of him of ever since he came into the house with BYL and he would never treat them as anything less.

Jiang Yuan came in to the room in a simple black dress with pearls and diamond earring on the arm with general gu they loved each other very much their indifference to the their children helped them bond but with GH getting married and wendy determined to keep the family together they were hoping for second chance to be able to show they aren't as terrible as GH lead himself to believe and being grandparents would give them a second chance at what they didn't know but second chance they felt they deserved from the cold shoulders their children always gave them.

"so everyone is here are you ready?" wendy looked at GH it was true everyone was there except BYL "come on come on I don't want our food to get cold."

"GH BYL is not here yet we'll wait a little bit longer mr bau can you call him and ask how long he will be?" wendy asked

"no need he isn't coming he told me so himself."

"BYL is here." BYL followed behind the maid. GH was shocked and pissed him off he warned BYL don't come near here to stay away.

"BYL I am so happy to see you I feel we didn't talk enough that the party."jinag said as she went to kiss her son on the cheek he was uncomfortable with his mother doing that but he accepted he wasn't here to cause trouble.

"BYL so nice to see you again lets go in and eat." wendy ushered everyone into the dining room as she spoke, GH gave  a cold look to BYL he was pissed beyond that the ruthlessness that he gave warning had just snapped.

everyone went to dinner and sat down the general at the head of the table his wife on the other end than GH BYl across from each other meng sat by BYL and auntie Zhou next to meng on GH side BHQ and wendy. they all sat down to dinner and the tension was great until meng started laughing they all looked at him wondering why he was laughing.

"why we all so solemn BYL is back this should be a time of celebrating, BYL tell us what you have been doing did you meet a lot of pretty girls?" aunite Zhou hit meng in the head.

"meng stop being vulgar, stop it."

"i also would like to hear what BYL has been up to?" GH said coldly looking at BYL like he could stab him and wouldn't feel any remorse but it still wouldn't heal his pain and stabbing would be too quick for bastard like him.

"well I went to college thanks to uncle here giving me the support" general shook his head in approval while GH was dumbfounded he never knew about this "I went to Stanford got my bachelor degree economics I graduated top five in my class and I freelance with various firms on how to be more cost effective the americans have such a competive market that i was quick to learn and pick up things but I am hoping with me now being back in china I can be able to work this market I know they are two different kinds but with GH help I hope will be able to make it work and make my family proud."

"BYL you always made proud you and GH both I am so glad that you two are united it has been too long and I am tired with telling what GH has been doing now you can ask for your self." BHQ said BYL gave him a stern look "oh I forgot you didn't want GH to know about that but no matter no matter he should know you worried about him." BHQ waved his hand at BYL as he said this GH looked at BYL the words that he heard almost gentled his heart toward him that he felt like he should talk to him found out why he left, but than his father said something that would squash it again.

"I thought that studying at Fudan University helped with studying the Chinese market while you had your military training."

GH couldn't believe it "he was back and didn't come and see me" he thought.

"yes it did help a bit but not as much as I would liked with the training that i was doing."

"GH your hand is bleeding." wendy shouted as everyone looked he unconsciously griped his knife into his hand while staring at BYL wendy got up to him as he looked down and dropped the knife. general called to a maid to get a first aid kit for his son. BHQ looked at his hand "that's not going to work he going to need to go to the hospital the cut is too deep."

without second thought BYL griped GH's arm and started walking to the door to to take him to the hospital but GH pushed him away.

"wendy can take me to the hospital you don't need to?" BYL looked at GH with indifference but on the inside he was just wanted to pick him up and carry him to the car kiss him ask him if he was ok and take care of him like he always did countless times, wendy came up behind "it's ok I'll call to let you know how it is."



"wendy I said don't. it's only for family to know how I am."

that stung BYL more than any pain he felt not even that time that GH forced him to have sex this was pain was much greater than any pain he felt his whole life put together. he turned and went back into the dining room and sat down everyone looked at him wondering what happened they were so close you couldn't see one with out the other they were eachs other left and right hand no one could think what made them like this was it a girl was it betrayal murder what it didn't make sense but none of them asked they sat down and started to eat. BYL talked more about what he did in America and everyone else talked about this that and the other.

Everbright Hotel

chirp chirp chirp

wendy sent you text.

"Just to let you know he is fine sorry about dinner don't what is wrong he won't listen to me but don't worry I will make you brother's again."

BYL sat in a chair smoking "I am sorry wendy I am so sorry but in the end this marriage will ruin you"

chirp chirp chirp

GH sent you text

"I warned you now after what I heard tonite I have more reason to destroy you."

BYL "i will accept my punishment. i don't regret why i left you only how long i left you for."



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fudan University special thanks @rosenblute

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