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    " Come on slow pokes!" Sam called behind her as she ran trough a group of closely growing birch trees.

     Her knee length yellow sundress flowed freely behind her to and fro following the beat of her bare feet. She pranced over the plush grass damp with the morning dew. The sun felt good on her skin, bright and fresh. She couldn't help from laughing as a plan began to form in her mind. She doubled back through the flower filled clearing and hid behind the biggest tree she could find. The sounds of footsteps and panting echoed trough the green leaved trees surrounding her.

   " Sammy slow down!" Jasper panted " You are gonna get yourself hurt." Dispite his lean frame, Sam knew her brother was built for strength, not speed. Finn as always, burst from the trees shortly after their older brother, nearly colliding with him. Sam bunched the frilly hem of her dress in her small hands and slid down the smooth bark of the birch tree. Finn began to sniff around the clearing, stopping occasionally if he caught a scent.

   " Sam come on we are going to be late, and we can't be late, mom will kill us." Finn sighed looking up from where he was sniffing behind a group of heather bushes.

   " Come and get me." Sam taunted jumping up form her hiding spot. they can't catch me, she thought as she raced back towards their family home. She loved this feeling, the rush of the wind through her short light brown hair that was currently pulled back into two braids, thumping along her back in a comforting rhythm.

" Sammy wait!" Her brothers called after her. Finn was catching up, she could feel him growing closer. no way I'll let him beat me. she thought giggling. she sped up. feet kicking up some of that plush greenness behind her leaving her feet caked in dirt. she didn't care. Sam loved the outdoors, almost as much as she loved winning silly little races like this against her brothers.

    Her muddy feet slowly came to a stop as she walked into the house. She could see her father in his office talking on the phone as she passed on her way to the kitchen.
" yes I understand..... but the treaty...... yes ....... ok ..... if you insist." She heard her father sigh as he put down the phone. I wonder what is wrong? She thought, but didn't stop to ask. She rounded the corner to the kitchen and saw her mom cooking.
" Hi mama, watcha making?" Sam asked as she hurried across the white washed wood floor of their kitchen to the gas stove where a dark blue pot stood bubbling happily.
"Your favorite, spaghetti." She replied with a smile. Then she noticed Sam's little muddy footprints that made a trail winding all the way around the white marble topped island with dark brown wood drawers.
"Samantha Todd tell me that is not mud I see on my new hard wood! "She snarled. "Go wash your feet and clean this up this instant!"
"I'm sure Sam is sorry for what she did Mother, and I'll help clean this up." Finn said as he walked in with his own muddy feet.
"Finn you bringing in more dirt doesn't help. " She said as she clenched her hands into tight balls at her sides.
"Hi mom, what did I miss?" Jasper panted making yet another set of muddy tracks across the kitchen.
"Not you too Jasper!" She cried "are all my kids barbarians?!"
"Yep pretty much" Finn replied as he took a seat on one of the lush white bar stools.
" Ok, listen all of you will go cleanup this instant!! We have places to be, and important people to see." Freya Todd stated with a note of anger overlaying her words as a blanket does a child.


    The carriage ride was bumpy on their way to the Spirit Hollow, where all important meetings were held. The four mountain lions pulling the heavy contraption came to a slow stop. The air had grown considerably colder during the journey up Mount Timpa, the tallest peak on the island of Anistan.
Hank Todd, the leader of the Crimson Skull Clan, helped his wife and children out of the carriage along with his Beta, Draven.
" I'm sorry Neo couldn't come today Alpha. Saffron was sick so he has to stay with her till she gets better. She's so frail for her age...." Draven sighed, his breath coming out in little puffs of smoke. The snow was falling slowly.
"That's quite all right Draven. I'm sure the other leaders can meet your mate later." Hank replied as he rapidly rubbed his hand together for warmth. Sam grasped her father's fur lined parka and tugged at the soft hem.
"Papa, can we go inside please? I think My nose is frozen."
"Of course, sorry honey." He reached down and ushered her and the rest of them inside the giant ancient building.

   Inside the large dome topped building was a room filled to the brim with food and warmth. A large inscription of a compass lie carved into the dark marble floors. At each of the indicated directions was a fireplace with a animal head bust upon the mantel, representing one of the four Therian kingdoms. To the North was a hawk. To the South was a wolf and to the East, a puma. The last mantel to the West lay bare, except for a thin covering of dust. In the center of the compass stood a stage with a altar draped in beautiful white lace. Upon this lay the Tombstone, the mourning site for all those whose lives were taken in the war 5 years before Sam was born. Flowers in bouquets of every shape color and size were heaped around the base. The Tombstone itself was the bust of a noble stag, that once sat above the Western fireplace. Engraved into the base were the words, thou shall learn from our loss.

   Sam hurried to keep up with her fathers long strides as they headed to the table in front of the Eastern fireplace. As they drew closer, she could smell the herbs and spices dripping off of the well cooked meats that generously graced the giant table. It seems like we were the last to arrive, Sam thought looking around the room. the other Alphas and their families sat at their respective tables in front of their fireplaces. Sam sat in between her father and Finn hungrily staring at the food. Finn stabbed a couple pieces of ham, some corn, peas, mashed potatoes and two pieces of pecan pie before sitting down, sniffing each before putting it on his plate.

   "Salt....pepper....oregano...thyme......and.. is that rosemary?" Finn muttered to himself as he studied the ham.

   "That's quite some nose your son has on him Alpha Hank. How did you know? I only added a touch of rosemary to the rub for the ham." A tall burly man chuckled.

   "Cress! long time no see!" Sam's father exclaimed as the two shook hands over the table. "Family, this is Brother Cresset, the guardian of Spirit Hollow." We all waved hello.

"well I would love to stay and chat but I've got a meeting to hold. Just thought I'd say hi to an old friend before those two started pulling any funny business." Brother Cresset sighed jabbing his thumb towards the heads of the other two tables. after he had walked away and onto the stage, Sam turned to her father.

   "Papa, what kind of Therian is a guardian?" She tilted her head in confusion.

   "Well... Most have been bears but there was the occasional panda." He answered thoughtfully. Just then a loud roar caught the attention of everyone in the hall. Brother Cresset was standing on the stage in the middle of the room, a glass of champagne sparkled in his hand.

   "As you all know, it has been 5 years since the end of the war and the signing of the 2nd Treaty of Anistan and as stated by this document, every 5 years the remaining kingdoms  will meet to discuss changes in the laws, trade and leadership. Now, the first leader to speak will be the leader of the Gold Water Pack."
     The man who stepped forward was not at all like the one her father described to her. He had jet black hair that was smoothed back with lots of gel. His eyes were golden and seemed to emanate a light from them. But strangest of all was the way they seemed to look right through her as if she wasn't there at all. His clothes consisted of torn jeans, a green crew neck shirt and a red flannel and he walked with as much grace as a knight on the battlefield.

      The next leader to speak was her own father. Dressed in a deep navy tux with a white shirt beneath, her father looked like an Alpha should. Hair styled perfectly and bright piercing blue eyes, he was a sight to behold. Sam was exited to see what her brother Jasper might look like up there.
    The last to speak was the Alpha of the Shadow Moon Tribe. He was the exact opposite of the other two alphas in appearance. In fact he wasn't a he, but a she! The first of her kind. She had overheard her father telling her brother on the way here. Her golden hair was pinned back in an extravagant fashion that made it seem like it was hanging off itself as it tumbles down her back. Her bright green eyes were partly hidden by the slim black frames that surrounded them. Oh, but it was her dress that took Sam's breath away. The shimmery champagne colored fabric pleated its way down to the floor and the gemstone studded top had a sweetheart neckline that was covered in a mesh fabric making the gems look like they were emerging from her skin itself. The two met at her waist and a bow of fabric was tied in the back, completing the look. Her small heels clicked their way across the floor and up the stairs.
I wish I look that perfect when I grow up Sam sighed.
-end of prologue-

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⏰ Última actualización: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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