Don't tell me

235 13 6

*two days later Ryan gets a call from their paediatrician, dove stands there waiting nervously until he finally ends the call after what feels like forever*
Dove: so....
Ryan: babe sit down
Dove: so she is then?
Ryan: baby
Dove: no ry just come out with it, don't just dangle it over my head
Ryan: yeah baby all the tests came back with the same result, she's diabetic like me
Dove: Ry she's two years old
*dove begins to cry, he pulls her into a hug*
Ryan: it'll be okay baby
Dove: how can it be okay? How can any of this be okay? It's all just gonna fall apart like everything does
Ryan: hey, hey, everything does not fall apart, we haven't have we? You and I have been through so much and we're still here, this family is still together our lives haven't fallen apart and this won't make them do that, nothing can make us fall apart
Dove: everything just goes wrong!
Ryan: like what?
Dove: everything!!!!
Ryan: not everything baby, was picking me wrong?
Dove: no
Ryan: was having the twins wrong?
Dove: no, but Elise went wrong! And my dad went wrong! And your family and so many other things and now this! Why?!
Ryan: baby, shhh, sweetheart don't get so worked up over this, it's nothing
Ryan: okay no, nothing was the wrong word but it's okay, she'll be fine and we'll be fine as long as we keep to the routine she'll need, I was diagnosed when I was barely older than she is now and I did just fine
*at this point he picks her up and sits down on the couch where she wraps her legs around his waist as best she can and hugging her as best he can baring in mind her growing baby bump getting in the way*
Dove: you're stronger than I am, I can't deal with this!
Ryan: don't you ever tell me that, you're the strongest person I've ever met and you can handle anything, including this
Dove: you want me to be near needles, ry I pass out at the thought of blood sometimes
Ryan: I know but it's for her, she needs it
Dove: I can't
Ryan: look she's gotta go back in tomorrow for them to sort out her prescription and stuff, you can come if you want or we can sit down when you're ready and go through it together
Dove: can you explain it to me?
Ryan: sure, they might not even think she needs the insulin injections I don't know, but we are going to have to be a lot more careful okay? Keeping track of her diet, like I do wth mine
Dove: okay
Ryan: you're gonna have to start dealing with blood baby, we'll need to check her blood sugar levels and you've seen how I do that
Dove: prick her finger?!
Ryan: yeah baby, but look it doesn't even hurt, I can't even feel it
Dove: I don't believe you
Ryan: well believe me
Dove: how very persuasive
*he leans in and starts a kiss that makes her feel butterflies in her stomach along with the baby that's already in there, when he breaks away she's left breathless and flustered*
Ryan: I'd say that was pretty persuasive
Dove: yeah
Ryan: you okay there?
*he smirks a little*
Dove: yeah
*he chuckles*
Ryan: you sure?
Dove: yeah
Ryan: should I give you a minute?
Dove: 10
Ryan: well it is baptise if there's a job you need me to finish then I would happily oblige
Dove: Ryan Jerome McCartan!
Ryan: Chloe Celeste McCartan!
*she takes his hands which had now slid down her back and placed them on either side of her bump
Dove: I'm still working on one of the last times you were obliged to do something
Ryan: you know you want me
Dove: do I now?
*he leans in and plants a slow kiss in her lips before gently leaving a trail of kisses down her jawline, then down her neck, she needing to keep her lips pursed in an attempt to catch the moans that try to escape her mouth in pleasure, as he finds his way to her sweet spot and starts sucking though she finds herself unable to contain herself anymore and a few moans escape, giving Ryan the satisfaction he'd been looking for, after having left a very good hickey he whispers into her ear*
Ryan: if the baby is the issue then we can stop here
*he smirks as she shakes her head as fast as she can, there was no real reason why they couldn't, her bump may make it a little more difficult but Ryan was quite talented behind closed doors, dove could safely say she was never left disappointed*


A little bit of dirty rove for the lols xoxo

Rove: we never expected thisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon