Random Vent (#2)

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Okay I don't know whats wrong with me, all the time for the last week I've just been mad or annoyed at every little thing. I don't know if it's hormones or if there's something wrong with me, It's at the point where I don't want to be around people, read, draw, write, I don't even want to listen to music. For all I know it could be the fact that i'm Scared of losing my friends in high school. I have a tight group of four friends. One of them is in a grade behind me another one is going to a different high school and other two don't know yet.  The stress of writing three books and trying to get good grades, clubs and student council, I'm in between a rock and a hard place I can't turn back yet I can't really move forward either. I'm in a loop of get up (feel stressed) go to school (feel stressed) Work my ass off (feel stressed) come home and do homework (feel stressed) work on stories for you guys (feel stressed) go to bed and have a shitty sleep(feel stressed) then repeat. I'm at the point that where some days it's fine I make though the day and don't have any problems, but for the last few days I've just wanted to give up end, escape. 

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